Friday, April 1, 2011

Canadian International Standards, visa vis Amnesty International.

Saskatchewan Soul

7:48 AM on April 1, 2011
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Yes it is a major election issue for me too. And, for his faults, we all know Ignatieff is light years better than Harper on this stuff. Anybody dealing with international conflict or human rights knew Michael Ignatieff long before he became a politician.

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2:32 PM on April 1, 2011

@Sask Soul: Are you kidding me? Did you actually hear what Ignatief said post 9/11? Did you hear how he justified extraordinary rendition? Guantanamo?
Man, don't get lulled to sleep by inane ravings of thumbstickers.
What would Canada do if the UN, and Amnesty just went too far? And then went further? And Further? Rights are very special things. We don't give people rights, we recognise them. They exist before being put to paper. But what if we run out of rights to put to paper? A lot of people could be out of a job...

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