Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Global Warming?

Climate Change theory takes another blow... How many more before its put out of its misery?
The chief of the world's leading physics lab at CERN in Geneva has prohibited scientists from drawing conclusions from a major experiment. The CLOUD ("Cosmics Leaving Outdoor Droplets") experiment examines the role that energetic particles from deep space play in cloud formation. CLOUD uses CERN's p...

Monday, September 26, 2011

Pseudo science


Edit Alethia said...
Pseudoscience is a specter that looms over science today. It can be found in various disciplines from climate to particle physics. It tends to happen when science is swayed by political advantage, or influenced by profitable conclusions. It seems to me this necessitates a broad-ranged discussion about science, and how we teach it today. In some areas the lack of rigor is pathetic, while in others great care is taken before disclosure. This is found where a rush to judgement occurs against a dearth of solid facts. Instead of jumping headlong to conclusions, a prudent scientist is patient to see all the facts before he concludes the validity of the theory. History is unkind to those foolish enough make claims without sufficient evidence. Never is this more true than in this discovery. It is a black box experiment which accordingly must be bracketed by caveat. Irrespective of the conclusions of either side, there stands this question: The science is either valid or it isn't valid. Without opening the black box, this is the stark reality. Indirect scrutiny clearly provides interesting questions but cannot answer them. I look forward to seeing the Rossi device in operation; and in dissection. Followed by a theory that shows itself unfalsifiable. Pseudo science jumps to conclusions. Real science quietly collects the data, patiently assuring that it is all in before a conclusion is drawn. --Rather unsatisfying for the instantanaity the world is looking for, but avoids playing to the audience for cheers and jeers without hard evidence.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Prayer and Praise around the Return of Kienan

God is not a puppet on a string.  We live our distracted lives unaware of Him for the most part.  If you wrote to the Queen of England, and requested a castle on a hill, is it reasonable to think if she doesn't do so, she is not the Queen, nor has the power to do so?

I felt like there was something different about this prayer for the lad.  Those who did so, did so with a desperate humility, out of deep compassion.  This was part of what moved Him.  Miracles are not the suspension of reality or the laws of nature, they are expressions of God's compassionate intervention.  For that, and for those who did sincerely pray, we ought to, and have a right to be thankful, and, in a free country, a right to say so.  When it is done, I ask those who may not understand this, or live with a different world view, that these expressions of thanks are sincerely offered in keeping with the joy of the event.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Obama's job speech.

Folks, I consider myself small-c conservative. There are many things I find detestible about the Dems, but on this one I could support Obama whole-heartedly. Why is it Buffet pays under 18% while most of America pays far more? I can understand that most Americans wouldn't want to see the land of opportunity, and the chance for wealth to be ultimately reduced by significant taxation. Even if its a crap-shoot that it happens to you, the right to pursue life liberty and happiness is a perpetual modern gold-rush. If I were a multi, multi millionaire, I would favor the economy be rescued at almost any cost, when weighed against the probability of economic collapse as the ultimate alternative. As a conservative, I think of neccessary taxation as an investment in the country that provides me with such bounty. I hope my cousins and brothers in the US of A, can arrive at a healthy consensus.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Islamicism and the PM's interview.

Well if your mind is made up don't let the facts stand in your way Mr. Hammerthumb. Fortunately, rather than making a ridiculous statement like Christian Fundamentalism is as much to fear as Islamic fundamentalism, and looking like a fool, you can actually check peer-reviewed statistics: . From 2008-20010 over 6000 people were killed by terrorist acts. More than 96% of them were from Islamic terrorists, giving every benefit of the doubt. Other sources included the Tamil Tigers. But don't just listen to my rhetoric. Check the stats for yourself. It is easy to make sweeping generalizations against Christians, when you don't have to actually worry about telling the truth. Stroke the already present prejudices of the "intelligentsia" and the "chattering classes" that know it all instead.Rating26Agree with comment (62 people agree)Disagree with comment (36 people disagree)ReplyPolicyReport abuse (0)