Thursday, September 8, 2011

Obama's job speech.

Folks, I consider myself small-c conservative. There are many things I find detestible about the Dems, but on this one I could support Obama whole-heartedly. Why is it Buffet pays under 18% while most of America pays far more? I can understand that most Americans wouldn't want to see the land of opportunity, and the chance for wealth to be ultimately reduced by significant taxation. Even if its a crap-shoot that it happens to you, the right to pursue life liberty and happiness is a perpetual modern gold-rush. If I were a multi, multi millionaire, I would favor the economy be rescued at almost any cost, when weighed against the probability of economic collapse as the ultimate alternative. As a conservative, I think of neccessary taxation as an investment in the country that provides me with such bounty. I hope my cousins and brothers in the US of A, can arrive at a healthy consensus.

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