Winglet said: "Alethia - I don't disagree with you, but what world are we living in? Unless insurgents in Afghanistan all of a sudden get a hold of Iran's decrepit F-14 fleet, Canadian pilots aren't and won't be facing any air to air threats (assuming they are deployed overseas at all). The issue at hand, at least in the scope of future conflicts, will be the ability to deliver standoff munitions quickly, accurately and effectively. F-35 fits the bill. "
This is a most excellent question.
Most western leaders believe the next war will be with Iran. It doesn't seem well reported just to what extent Iran exports terrorism.
Consider Iran's immediate response to the tragic bombing at a Shiite mosque. If you have studied criminology, you might recall the subject of "The adequate test for truth" There are a number of them. If you are interviewing a murder suspect you will be watching for cues that indicate truth. A sudden blurting out another person as a murdering is one of them.
I believe that is what we witnessed.
Iran's immediately blaming the USA for that bombing-with no proof is very telling. It is a classic cue that the reason it jumps to such conclusions is and indication that it is engaged in that same activity.
The primary difference between Iran and the west, is that we need to see the evidence before drawing a conclusion.
Anyway I have got off track somewhat.
If the posit is true that Iran is the key terrorist state in the world;
and if is true that it is building an atomic bomb, it will be a very grave moment for the world.
Iran's constant rant declaring they will wipe Israel from the face of the earth, is being taken seriously.
For the terrorist state with a nuclear weapon will use it. Why?
Because its sense of value for human life is so low, the temptation cannot be resisted.
A nuke at Tel Aviv, and all hell will break loose. China will come running to try to shield Iran, but it will be a very very bloody day.
God Forbid.
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