Hunter tim says:
"the party that excels at pork barrelling, with G8 spending, having pumped $100 million into Tony Clement’s riding, a riding he only won by 26 votes. And now, according to Kevin Page, adding $200+ million to the cost of the G8 & 20 by having it split between two locations!"
Ok, I am trying to figure out where is the beef on several levels:
So are you saying that more money should be spent if the MP wins by a greater margin or by a greater % of the vote? If that were so, the Calgary riding Mr. Harper won would be getting billions with his 73% or Jason Kenny with 74%. As would the East Kootenays under Jim Abbott who got 60% of the popular vote. Spending numbers by Province and city are readily available. The riding in question got a park and .. a gazebo it didn't need for the G8 summit that got a lot of press. Every riding in Canada, every city every province was invited to gain stimulus funds. Most did.
I wouldn't be surprised if Conservative ridings ended up with more money on average. That is typical of Canadian politics since... forever. It gives rise to strategic voting in some instances. People like to have their MP in government. Those MPs tend to be on the bit when it comes to applying for program funding on behalf of their constituents.
Is that what is really bothering you Tim?
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