Friday, July 16, 2010

When I think of Canada and the US, I usually employ the 10% rule. Canada's population is roughly 10% of the US. Historically, government spending is 10%, the deficit and so on.

The 10% rule doesn't work anymore. The US stimulus spending wasn't 10 times ours it was 100 times! 1.5 trillion dollar deficit down there this year. To apply the 10% rule our stimulus spending would have to be 150 billion, rather than the sub 40s.
They ordered 2,000 planes! Gah!
We ordered 65. The 10% rule would have meant we bought 200 planes instead. Of course Canadian military spending is infinitesimal per capita by comparison.

And to all my NDP friends who are towing the party line tonight. Tell Jack Layton, that there is 10 billion dollars heading towards his union buddies. Maybe they will cough up a bit more next election.

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