Thursday, June 23, 2011

Terrorism by the Numbers.

Sometimes statistics are so grim, it is a shame having to mention them. I made an off the cuff reference to Anne Coulter's comment: "All Muslims are not terrorists, but all Terrorists are Muslim." I thought it radical but also thought provoking. Through a debate I conceded that: "ALL" terrorists cannot possibly be Muslim extremists. It didn't make rational sense, there was the PPK, Sri Lanka, Hindu extremism and perhaps other kinds after all. So I said even if 95% were at the hand of Islamic terrorists it wasn't fair to say they all were. .
Because I had no hard data, my assertion was seen to be a twisted expression of hatred towards Muslims, even though I stressed the victims were innocent Muslims I and the world care about. One is not expressing hatred to Muslims, rather, you are expressing care and concern--because lets face it a suicide bomb in a market place, kills far more innocent Muslims than extremists.
I read many reactionary web sites, with perhaps dubious non-credible sources. Until I found a study published by the University of Chicago Dated June 1, 2011. So by way of publishing date it is about as up to date as possible  Because I have been accused of preaching hatred with sloppy statistics, here are statistics directly from Chicago University.  There may be a more accurate source in the world but I don't know it.
This data by CPOST can be found here: Combing through it was not enjoyable. But I wanted to make sure I displayed a modicum of veracity. It isn't fair to allude that the vast majority of deaths by terrorism were by Islamic Extremists without being able to provide the actual numbers.

Some people have had trouble with the direct link.

Choose Suicide Attack Data Base.

I used these data base filters.
Data base filters: 2008,9; all weapon types except airline bombings,  all locations, no filter on group name.
 I think the rationale for these choices is rather obvious .
So this is what I found: Looking only at Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan, from 1/1/2008 to 12/30/2009, there were 6,112 deaths by extremists. There were 0 PPK (Turkey), 4 Algeria, 170 Somalia, and 89 in Sri Lanka, 0 from Hindu Bhuddist extremists. I discounted the million or so who died in Darfur. And for the sake of margin of error, counted the Algerian and Somalian data to be non-islamic
I use the term Muslim or Islamic only because of common convention:  For example, Ireland terroism is referred to as "Christian" or "Protestant/Catholic" (same thing) I would much rather have this study disprove the hypothesis that Islamic extremism was significant.
So to correct Anne Coulter, you are wrong Anne: Not **all** extremists are Islamic extremists, only 95.87% are.

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