I don't know, if the situation were reversed, I would rather have a perimeter fence with the US filtering out terrorists Canada bound... wait a minute...
Perhaps you weren't taught a fundamental principle of democracy: Abstaining, is absolutely voting for the majority.
I know, it isn't very well understood. No doubt many abstained because they didn't care... that's ok--the rest of did.
Some abstained in protest trying for "none of the above" that's ok its a free country. It wouldn't be a real democracy if everyone was forced to vote...
But if our "liberal" education system failed to teach you this fundamental truth, it is no surprise--it has failed a lot of us for a long time. If you are teacher who deals with democracy and haven't taught this, shame on you! If you are an "educated elite" with one or more degrees, and haven't been taught this, well..
I know, it isn't very well understood. No doubt many abstained because they didn't care... that's ok--the rest of did.
Some abstained in protest trying for "none of the above" that's ok its a free country. It wouldn't be a real democracy if everyone was forced to vote...
But if our "liberal" education system failed to teach you this fundamental truth, it is no surprise--it has failed a lot of us for a long time. If you are teacher who deals with democracy and haven't taught this, shame on you! If you are an "educated elite" with one or more degrees, and haven't been taught this, well..
Would that be the same "left wing base" the G&M played to when they endorsed the Harper Conservatives in the last three elections?
Which "MSM" would be continually slagging the "Cons and Harper"?
Would that be the G&M owned by those socialists, the Thomson Family?
Perhaps you meant CTV run by the lefties in the executives Bell Media?
Maybe you meant MacLeans magazine owned by the Leninist Rogers family?
How about the Sun newspaper chain and Sun TV owned by that Trotskyite Karl Peladeau that attacks Harper and the Cons non-stop?
Or the stalinists at Corus?
The maoists in the Shaw family?
Or how about that bastion of pinkism, the CBC TV newtwork where their foremost political commentators are almost exclusively conservatives - Rex Murphy, Alan Gregg and Andrew Coyne?
Or how about The National Post, they're continually slagging Harper and the Cons, aren't they?
You know what I think baeto?
I think you've been unconscious for the last five years and just came out of your coma.
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"Follow the money" of our media franchises and scare yourself silly.
The NDP don't have a hope of getting reasonable press.
The NDP don't have a hope of getting reasonable press.
You know Thomas, on this I have to agree. As a conservative, I have a thing about pulling your own weight, and not living on the taxpayer's dime. So the CBC and its billions of tax dollars it has spent over the years has irked me. It irked me especially because it sold a brand of liberalism that undermined our country.
But since 1994, and the rise of the reform, western right, the CBC obviously has seen the writing on the wall. They aren't stupid. They can point to Rex, and the others to suggest they have a balanced point of view. Yes they have a few icons, but is balanced the right term to use? Since the CBC has been undertaking social engineering in Canada for 50 years, they now have a healthy base of followers. If those Canadians want to fund the CBC let them do so. If the CBC doesn't want to include advertisements from commercial/non-political entities, let them raise their money directly from Canadians that like the CBC spin.
Instantly, the hew and the cry from the right will calm down, because they won't be paying for ideology that attacks their family, and their country.
But since 1994, and the rise of the reform, western right, the CBC obviously has seen the writing on the wall. They aren't stupid. They can point to Rex, and the others to suggest they have a balanced point of view. Yes they have a few icons, but is balanced the right term to use? Since the CBC has been undertaking social engineering in Canada for 50 years, they now have a healthy base of followers. If those Canadians want to fund the CBC let them do so. If the CBC doesn't want to include advertisements from commercial/non-political entities, let them raise their money directly from Canadians that like the CBC spin.
Instantly, the hew and the cry from the right will calm down, because they won't be paying for ideology that attacks their family, and their country.
Alethia - how on earth does the CBC attack our country?
You do know the CBC was initiated by a Conservative government in order to increase nationalism, right?
You do know the CBC was initiated by a Conservative government in order to increase nationalism, right?
Alethia. Show DetailsSince Trudeau declared all the evils of the world sprang from nationalism, the CBC ceased its original mandate. It has been on the fore-front of every attack on Canadian values for the past 40 years. Its mandate ceased to be nationalism, instead, it became the organ of social engineering that has undermined the country in countless ways.
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Our alleged conservative PM has demonstrated an eagerness to enhance the already immense and excessively expensive powers of the nanny state, to increase his government’s capacity and enthusiasm for intruding into our private life, to absolutely discount any serious spending discipline, to promulgate a distressing protectionist message to the world that Canada isn’t open to foreign investment,
and an eagerness also to reject any right-of–centre social restructuring notwithstanding how sagacious it would be.
If Canadians had elected a legitimate small-c fiscal conservative he would not pretending to “restrain spending increases”, but would initiate a spending slashing program review that would eliminate the $30 billion dollar deficit in two years. He would therefore:
Cut overall program spending by 20% bringing expenditures back to pre-stimulus 2008 levels;
Lay-off 20% of overpaid, redundant bureaucrats within the next 2 years, and freeze the salary and benefits for as long as it takes to bring them in line with private sector workers.
A genuine conservative government would abolish federal employee’s unions;
Privatize the CBC, Canada Post, Via Rail, and Federal prisons;
Sell government assets such as some government jets, and some crown timber land;
Eliminate downsize and/or assimilate departments, and hundreds of worthless crown corporations such as the CRTC and CMHC;
Delay starting both the combat and non combat $25 billion ships contracts;
“Cut-as-you-Go that would oblige the government to sever equal value from existing programs when implementing any new expenditure;
Op out of the Climate Change Fund;
Purge most specific tax credits that are really costly expenditures;
Abolish most corporate welfare;
Get rid of Regional Development Programs;
Eliminate the majority of arts subsidies, all language subsidies, festivals grants, NGO’s subsidies, as well as nearly all other grants and contributions;
Re-write the Canada Health Act that currently places control of our top-down, government-rationed system in hands bureaucrats rather than the more efficient, cost-beneficial private sector
Reduce the rate of increase to provincial transfers;
Reform the current welfare-state social assistance system;
Abolish all marketing boards like the dairy board, and the wheat board;
Radically transform the infinitely expensive immigrant/refugee policies;
Why would a fiscally responsible PM, with a $30 billion dollar deficit and a debt of $800 billion, borrow billions of dollars to increase foreign aid by 8% annually?;
Phase out the concept of “universality”, and expedite “means testing”, at least for the COLA clause in some programs;
Gradually increase the retirement age to 70 by 2025, and reduce cost-of-living increases for higher earners;
Our alleged conservative PM has demonstrated an eagerness to enhance the already immense and excessively expensive powers of the nanny state, to increase his government’s capacity and enthusiasm for intruding into our private life, to absolutely discount any serious spending discipline, to promulgate a distressing protectionist message to the world that Canada isn’t open to foreign investment,
and an eagerness also to reject any right-of–centre social restructuring notwithstanding how sagacious it would be.
If Canadians had elected a legitimate small-c fiscal conservative he would not pretending to “restrain spending increases”, but would initiate a spending slashing program review that would eliminate the $30 billion dollar deficit in two years. He would therefore:
Cut overall program spending by 20% bringing expenditures back to pre-stimulus 2008 levels;
Lay-off 20% of overpaid, redundant bureaucrats within the next 2 years, and freeze the salary and benefits for as long as it takes to bring them in line with private sector workers.
A genuine conservative government would abolish federal employee’s unions;
Privatize the CBC, Canada Post, Via Rail, and Federal prisons;
Sell government assets such as some government jets, and some crown timber land;
Eliminate downsize and/or assimilate departments, and hundreds of worthless crown corporations such as the CRTC and CMHC;
Delay starting both the combat and non combat $25 billion ships contracts;
“Cut-as-you-Go that would oblige the government to sever equal value from existing programs when implementing any new expenditure;
Op out of the Climate Change Fund;
Purge most specific tax credits that are really costly expenditures;
Abolish most corporate welfare;
Get rid of Regional Development Programs;
Eliminate the majority of arts subsidies, all language subsidies, festivals grants, NGO’s subsidies, as well as nearly all other grants and contributions;
Re-write the Canada Health Act that currently places control of our top-down, government-rationed system in hands bureaucrats rather than the more efficient, cost-beneficial private sector
Reduce the rate of increase to provincial transfers;
Reform the current welfare-state social assistance system;
Abolish all marketing boards like the dairy board, and the wheat board;
Radically transform the infinitely expensive immigrant/refugee policies;
Why would a fiscally responsible PM, with a $30 billion dollar deficit and a debt of $800 billion, borrow billions of dollars to increase foreign aid by 8% annually?;
Phase out the concept of “universality”, and expedite “means testing”, at least for the COLA clause in some programs;
Gradually increase the retirement age to 70 by 2025, and reduce cost-of-living increases for higher earners;
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w blazejewski
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You are full of it!
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I consider myself small-c and I can't go along with most of this. I think this is Big C, where most Canadians don't want to go.
I don't want slashing in spending to be so aggressive it undermines the economy. Being conservative doesn't mean abandoning compassion. Health care is an expression of that. --as are things like the Canada pension program, or foreign aid. If the poorest of the countries of the world can live without malaria, there will be fewer thinking they need to move to Canada, as they create wealth instead of orphans, they will eventually trade with us. That is a good conservative strategy.
I don't want slashing in spending to be so aggressive it undermines the economy. Being conservative doesn't mean abandoning compassion. Health care is an expression of that. --as are things like the Canada pension program, or foreign aid. If the poorest of the countries of the world can live without malaria, there will be fewer thinking they need to move to Canada, as they create wealth instead of orphans, they will eventually trade with us. That is a good conservative strategy.
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