Canada1: Its great dialoguing with you. You said: "Alethia.........A bit over-simplistic. Canada doesn't fly incursions into Russian airspace
Neither did Russia.
An “area of interest” – about 250 nautical miles, or 460 kilometres, away from Goose Bay, Nfld. –is not our territory, but rather something we are "hoping" to become our territory.
Something piqued me about the location. 250 nm from Goose Bay isn't that far. What is far is the distance those bombers flew to get there. Take a look. Did they fly undetected by Norad? Did they fly over Greenland's space unchallenged?
Or did they do the loop de loop west of Ireland and south of Greenland and northwest to the point of intercept? Or did they come across the Canadian Arcti--the shortest distance to travel. If they tried to fly between Canada and Greenland, they would have trespassed on someone's airspace. Hmm. Denmark is considering buying these planes too....
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