Thursday, July 29, 2010

G&M article reporting Jack Layton seeks a compromise with the PM.

Jason Ray said: "This isn't a coalition...

...a coaltion is when two or more parties actually govern together...

...not seek consensus on a case by case basis."

I agree with you on this on Jason.
In fact this is the sort of willingness to cooperate Canadians have been wanting from Parliament.

I give Jack points on this one, and I have been a chief critic of the man.

I think most people on either side of this issue would rather some sort of middle ground or 3rd option be explored.

Most of the essential information apropos for a census is already in government data banks. I would see no problem implementing the use of it under the watchful eye of the privacy commission.

I feel quite strongly about these intrusions already. But since they are there, so long as the data is collated without my ID attached, they might as well go for it.

Many countries in Europe have gone this way... Germany is next, a fact not often reported in the media... kinda removes the sensationalism of the story I guess....

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