Hammer Tim said:
As leaders of the opposition parties, we are well aware that, given the Liberal minority government, you could be asked by the Prime Minister to dissolve the 38th Parliament at any time should the House of Commons fail to support some part of the government's program.
Ok, here's another cut and paste. If you read this, you will notice, "you could be asked by the prime minister to dissolve..." What is important to understand, is that the Prime Minister in a Minority government can choose to ask for a **dissolution**. This is an elective event. It is not the government fails a confidence motion and there-by falls.
That the Liberals keep posting this, shows they don't think Canadians are smart enough to figure it out. They seem to think that the reader cannot tell the difference between this letter, which preceeded the Prime Minister's discretion, and the nonesense that happened early 2008.
At that time, the 3 oppositon parties having just lost the election, got together with a plan to bring down the government and form their own--effectivly performing a coupe.
In any event, in both instances the GG at her discretion chose to do otherwise. Coalitions of all losing parties may form a government, IF the winning party is unable to do so.
It is a particularly special case,sensitive to circumstance.
IF the NDP,BQ and Libs want to form a coalition, and they ran as one, and if the numbers of the house are as they are today, they would be given the majority: Because Canadians voted for a coalition.
Or, if the winning party takes a 1/3 of the seats in parliament--pretend its the NDP, if they reached out to the BQ and Liberals to seat 50%+1, they would be asked to form the government.
So to conclude and stress, coalitions are fine if you run as one. Or if the winning party makes a deal with other parties for form the majority. The GG has shown: NOT LOSERS.
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