Wednesday, July 21, 2010

More Canadian debate on the F-35

Last Week the NY Times announced that Lockheed Martin intends to spend 10 billion dollars to the 100+ Canadian companies which work on this plane.

Canada's 65 planes is pathetically small, when you consider the US, 10 times our size is buying 2000. Since the total number of planes is projected to be 3000, it seems few Canadians appreciate Canadian industry is supplying parts for all of them.

Finally, under the Liberal watch there was a competitive bidding process. Boeing lost, Lockheed won.

So we have ordered our Big Mac, agreed to pay the price, all that's left is the tray to put them on, and pay the nice person, and get our change back.

Pay 9 billion get 10 back. Sounds like a deal to me. So what if repair for the 40 year life of the plane costs 7 billion...40 years people!

Henry Ford used to say he could give away his Model T, and make enough money on the parts alone. Lockheed is in effect, paying us a Billion dollars to take these planes and look after them.

I say again: Sounds like a deal to me....

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