Sunday, May 29, 2011

Obama Prays, Scorners Scorn.

Why is it when any thing is wrong its God's fault? Is it merely that disasters are commonly called "Acts of God" because God only occupies the place of disaster? While there are times He may intervene in nature, why can't nature's laws account for things like this without blaming God? God never made puppets on a string. But God is the one tugging on heart strings right now to go down and help, or pitch in a few dollars... "For in as much as you have done it* to the least of these, you have done it unto me"* (Feeding the Hungry, Thirsty, Clothing the destitute, Helping the sick)

Whether Missouri or Slave Lake, there are people who are in the worst sorts of circumstances. Lets keep them in our prayers, and do WHATEVER we can to help.


This tired tune again? The Crusades, the injustices, the Inquisition, behavior of people who called themselves "Christians". It is easy to spot the disingenuous. But to put all the world's ills at the feet of "Christians" today is classic misplaced guilt. None of us can repair the damages of our ancestors, their murders, their wars, their corruption, under the cover of political agendas.
But there are people discovered in our midst from time to time, who, out of their faith, their love for God, their hope in the face of despair, who could teach us a bit if we would listen. They may not be standing on street corners, knocking on doors, or attracting the attention of the media. Because they are busy. Busy feeding the poor, clothing children, spending their lives in many ways not for themselves, but for others.
I am a fan of Soren Kierkegaard, who refused to call himself a Christian, because he said, that was better a term others gave to you. 


Rendition 2
   This tired tune again?  This is the problem with labels, prejudices and attributions.  They fail to really understand, because they haven't really experienced it.  You can read about love from a novel and not have a clue about it.  Some things, like Faith, Hope, Love are only known in the experience of them.
  The Crusades, the injustices, the Inquisition, behavior of people who called (Labeled)  themselves "Christians" are smeared together over the Mother Theresas of this world. It is easy to spot the disingenuous. But to put all the world's ills at the feet of "Christians" today is to classically misplace guilt. None of us can repair the damages of our ancestors, their murders, their wars, their corruption, under the cover of *politico-religious* agendas.
  But there are people discovered in our midst from time to time, who, out of their faith, their love for God, their hope in the face of despair, who could teach us a bit if we would listen. They may not be standing on street corners, knocking on doors, or attracting the attention of the media. Because they are busy. Busy feeding the poor, clothing children, spending their lives in many ways not for themselves, but for others.
  Kierkegaard refused to call himself a Christian, because he said, that was better an attribution others made of you.

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