11:15 PM on November 2, 2011
First of all, thank you for taking the time to post, and post intelligently. Most Canadians feel they are centrist. Few would admit they are left or right exclusively. I wrote as a push-back to the tone and accuracy of the article. I love satire and irony, metaphor and simile. Please don't read out of this anything different.
I am merely trying to point out the meting out of the "poetry" of our day, is focused on the right, or perhaps more accurately on Mr. Ford and Mr. Harper, by this blog the 2 most hated men in Canada.
Who I might add, have just recently received majority--mandated, by the parliamentary democratic, accepted method of the day.
Both are trying to deal with a soft economy and massive debt. I know this is a quagmire. Points can be made on both sides of this assertion. But whether or not we agree on the fine points, 2 men received a mandate to try to right the ship and prevent disaster. For the fact that, while the world is in crisis, but our economy is growing most Canadians are behind Mr. Harper right now; and are prepared to accept the singing of Christmas carols once again, and other trivial right wing perspectives in order to keep it that way.
I don't live in Ontario and have but a passing interest in Mr. Ford, but I see the left has pretty much successfully ham-strung him. Margaret and Toronto stopped any library closures. But with a hundred libraries in the city would many people miss 10 if it helped balance the budget. Or 10 libraries for the sake of ding ding *reduced municipal taxes, in the highest tax/mil rate structure in Canada? Maybe I am wrong, but I don't see that as right wing, but maybe a *bit right of center: I say have fun paying that 770 million dollar deficit. Maybe it will go away with magic, or maybe Margaret would break down and write a cheque...
So I ask you does the left *get irony or satire if its directed at them at all?
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