Some people in BC aren't so stupid. Some of us know the safety of modern pipelines. All of the spills were from old pipelines. The new pipelines are moly-steel. In 100 years moly steel will not rust even in the Pacific Ocean. Moly Steel is stronger, and has greater tensile strength. If BC people really care, they would educate themselves, and demand pipe-line standards be that high.
BC already has many major pipelines: Oil, and Natural gas. One is an Artery right into the city of Vancouver. Pipelines are only scary when the spin-doctors get at them. Real education, unbiased by mantras and prejudices, is important. BC has always created great wealth by way of our ports. But we have hardly scratched the surface of what is possible. The agents of fear have a hammer-lock on our brains.
Well, do you have a retirement pension coming? Chances are the 1% you are referring to are comprised of pension plan holders, mutual fund owners, as well as the little guy managing their own portfolios. To think derisively about share-holders is to cut your nose off to despite your face. Even Canada Pension Plan is invested, silly.
In a generation, we could be sheikhs. When the oil sands wealth starts to flow, Canada will be the next Dubai. There will be no such thing as income taxes. Our children can go to University for free. Our medical system will never want for money.
Or, we can go back to the stone age... or rather some of you can, the rest of Canada understands pragmatism. For pragmatists are what we are. I mention to the suzukiites among us, we could export it from Prince Rupert, and create a second vibrant wealthy port, or we could pipe line it up to the McKenzie Delta, since the North West passage is opening up anyhow. People in the NWT know and appreciate the importance of jobs... Why shouldn't Northerners be wealthy?
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