Tuesday, November 1, 2011

The left slams the right and Rob Ford to teach us tolerance, and patience.

Of course, you are right here regarding personal space. I differ with you on your implied tolerance for media sanctioned insult, whatever the location or medium. One's home derives its sanctity from one's PERSON, not one's dignity from one's possessions
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1:59 AM on November 2, 2011

And this is why Kings had castles.....
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2:30 AM on November 2, 2011

You see, that is whats wrong with the left. A home's sanctity comes from one's person? So because Mr. Ford is a "bad person", he has no right to privacy?

Ever hear of the Magna Carta? Or inalienable human rights? Or common law that rises as a result of hundreds of years of deliberations from those human rights?

If this is promoted as satire, why don't you stick the camera lens right into Mr. Ford's bedroom? He is the Bogey man anyhow. No body likes his *person*, so should he then should he then expect to have no sanctity of home? He was ambushed at dawn for pity sake on his very front step!

Do you think the pendulum has swung too far to the right? Ever think its because its been swung way too far to the left for a very long time? Of course not. The left seems to have no ability for introspection. If there was such a thing as satire directed to the left, the left would never know it.

The right is supposed to be properly chastened by this satire, but we are here because of the intolerable license the left has stolen from us for 40 years. I am all for good social programs (a left wing ideology), but has society gone too far? Is the left so used to pilfering everyone else's pockets, taking social license from privacy of house and home, that they no longer see?
--That no one should have the right to point out how intolerable that has become?

I like satire. But when it comes to politics, there is 1 target on the right and 3 on the left plus the BQ. When has the sneering ever been spread evenly? Were the Conservatives targets any less than now that they are *in* power? No, they are consistently the target of this class of society. As I read over these comments, what has the author whipped up? I see accusation, slurs, labels, little satire, little humor--instead of respect and tolerance, I see hatred and intolerance, and its not coming from the right.

I say this, holding back all sorts of right wing blather, I am not repeating party dogma or right wing catch phrases, to balance this swell of slurs. When someone decides to dive into the slop, why should their opponent too?

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