The constitution remains the face of our democracy. The constitution proscribes the make up of the senate and how it is constituted. That Mr. Layton should suggest this is undemocratic shows either a lack of credibility on his part, disingenuity, or out and out silliness.
The appointment of senators have been in the cross hairs of the party forever. However, and Mr Layton knows, the resistance to senate reform by Liberal senators precluded progress, and while the government was in minority, the committee blockade the NDP was aparty to made it impossible. What is galling is the idea Canadians really didn't understand what was really going on. Maybe many really don't know given these comments today. Senate reform will come. It will be seen in the next 4 years. Or the Conservatives haven't a chance of being re-elected. Until then, cut the government enough slack to get the job done
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