- Owen AbreyLet me then suggest a polemic exists: Wealth and Debt. Yes they are not true polemics, because they have links to each other. Another polemic might be Wealth and Poverty. Yet they too have links to each other. Political systems are cha...llenged in balancing these polemics, if you were a believer in the Hegelian dialectic, you would use "synthesizing" instead of balancing. If you were Kierkegaardian you might argue for paradoxical tension. Contrary to some opinions, various political parties have an area of concern and expertise surrounding these concepts. From the days of the CCF and Tommy Douglas, the NDP are very good at understanding poverty. The Conservatives might be thought very good at understanding business. This is not to say each is their exclusive domain, but is a positive way of approaching the differences that exist. The criticism that exists between these 2 systems are centered on the tendency of one side or the other to put their primary concern too far apart from the primary concern of the other..See MoreMay 25 at 8:25pm ·
- Rod Murphy This would explain why so many CCF and NDP governments have come to power and cleaned up the debts left by the various Conservative business smart governments. Just saying:)__________
Owen Abrey
:) Rod, but can you see with similar clarity how the NDP lack in many cases an understanding of wealth creation? The previous Saskatchewan NDP government excepted. Levels of debt are tolerable so long as there is the wealth (and taxation... levels) to support it. I suppose that might be asking too much, I however am a contrarian. I am not satisfied until I understand the validity of all sides of a polemic; and am a fan of Kierkegaard, so I am in no rush to resolve paradox, but am comfortable with allowing for the natural tensions of paradox to exist. Hegelians however must rush to resolve, and we in Canada tend to be Hegelian.See More
May 25 at 8:42pm ·

@Owen: Good lawd! With all due respect, your Hegelian dooelectric and Kierkegaard nonexistentialitizing mish-mash of obfuscation is over the top for name-dropping right-wing-nut rationalization.
Read the following article for an example of clear thinking that explains how CONservatives trash the books by shoveling the loot to their buddies and then the NDP comes in to clean up the mess. Social democrats know how to create and share the wealth. Right-wing-nuts are greedy, incompetent aholes who bring the planet to the brink of financial calamity every so often, most recently 2008.
Owen Abrey
I wrote what I wrote because I wanted to communicate that I take the debate very seriously. I have read the Star article btw. I was attempting to give the rationale for some sort of bridge-building in the debate, using an approach called...: "Appreciative Inquiry." I am sorry it seemed verbose. Most of us are unaware from whence our prejudice comes--and we all have prejudices whether we want to admit them or not. I would appreciate it if the debates proceed on a basis of respect and not condescension. I am sorry if I shot too high over head. I could make the language simpler but then I would have to write a book to say it. Thank you for allowing me to engage on these ideas Rod.
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