Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Toronto sun rants.

I am getting tired answering these talking points over and over and over again.
And I don't want to run down this list again and again. Stop copy/pasting and think for yourself for a minute.

As a PM, when you have a signed memorandum of understanding, we get 65 jets for 75 million a piece, how can it be a lie to go with the signed document over rumor? These new cost estimates appeared out of nowhere the past 3 weeks. The old ones included maintenance costs for 30 years for pete's sake. Can you ever remember a military purchase that included maintenance? You sign an agreement for sale for a new car, ordered from the factory. The next day your neighbor tells you he hears that the dealership is going to jack the price by 300%. What are you going to believe? The signed memorandum of understanding, or the neighbor's rumor? Every single one of your talking points has been answered and debunked repeatedly by anyone with a memory or working knowledge. I could copy and paste arguments I have made, thought out myself to rebut every point, but you obviously copy/pasted off another web site to raise these tired issues for the umpteenth time. I could post those, but then I wouldn't want you or the editor to think I am merely spamming

Lies? All I see are innuendos. The only issue that isn't outright baseless is the income trust reversal. And on that one, I think it was a necessary change in direction the FM & PM had to make.


Adam H. 15 comments collapsed Collapse Expand
"While Harper has done a sound job on the economy..."

Why does the Sun keep pushing that? It's not so. Harper's plans for the economy would have accelerated, lengthened and deepened the recession.

Paul Martin did a sound job on the economy. He did such a good job that Harper wasn't able to do too much damage before the recession hit. As for taking taxes off gas - well, Harper promised to eliminate the GST on gasoline when it went over 85 cents / litre. Now, I don't know about the rest of you, but I'm still paying GST when I buy gas. 
Alethia 1 comment collapsed Collapse Expand
Would have or did? I mean unlike the opposition parties one cannot say the Conservatives speak hypothetically. Of course you do, speak hypothetically anyhow... 
I think Adam may be a little young. He can't remember the massive claw backs the Liberals instigated under Martin, trying to pay for the massive debt legacy of Trudeau. 
Cap and Trade? Didn't that work out great for Europe? (NOT). 

The NDP phenomena will break once Canadians start doing the math. Right now its euphoria stoked by the media... I suppose the pollsters aren't doing too bad either.

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