I agree that the message the conservatives wanted to talk about changed. Even though Canada walked on water through the worst economic melt-down since the Great Depression, that is I am sorry to say, yesterday's news apparently. They should have demonstrated a bit more flexibility on health-care and pension reform. I think they were trying to wrest the conversation to their key talking points.
I am not sure I wish a Kim Campbell on the Liberals though. It may happen with good reason. But I fear that would make the vote on the left too lop-sided. Maybe not, Kim Campbel only got 2 seats, but the party was a very strong second in most ridings, and that didn't translate into seats. We could see the same happen to the NDP to some extent.
Its interesting the desperation to, by any means, deflect the campaign issues away from the Economy. It is bizarre to think Canada sailed through the most brutal recession since the Great Depression, and then we forgot about it.
NDP stating the youth vote is going to sweep them into power and sweep away the "bad" Conservatives.
Well, I give the youth more credit. They can think, and if they are too young to remember, they can look it up.
The deficit spending was demanded by the opposition.
The Conservatives in minority, offered that deficit budget up in order to make parliament work, knowing full well they were going to be blamed for it later.
That's politics: Damned if you do, Damned if you don't.
Since there so many of us oldsters that are stuck in our ways, at least the youth can take a good look at it. Free of prejudicial manipulation? Well, one can hope.
"its the governments fault for not lowering ltrs/100km. /efficiency."
Ha! Blame the government for the cars we choose to drive! That's it! Brilliant!
Ok. listen carefully, prices at the pump are linked to the world wide price of oil, which a year ago was about 80.00. Today its 120.00 (112-125). If your input costs go up 50% what happens at the other end?
However. Governments add taxes and royalties, it has been static for decades.
The point being made, is that on TOP of the taxes and royalties we already pay, Jack intends to add effective tax. In BC the Libs put that on us, and we are still mad about it. For the NDP to take a whack at us too in BC, would be par for the course as far as I am concerned, and every dang BC'r that is deciding to vote NDP is going to deserve it.______________________
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Good question:
Compare to the US, Canada 50B, US 4.5Trillion.
Canada's debt would have increased 450B! Not 50.
(Canada's total national debt is 561B in TOTAL)
Compare with England under the Labour party: Deficit at 95% of gdp. Canada's is 6.6% atm.
All over the world, Left Wing governments destroy their economies!
Compare to the US, Canada 50B, US 4.5Trillion.
Canada's debt would have increased 450B! Not 50.
(Canada's total national debt is 561B in TOTAL)
Compare with England under the Labour party: Deficit at 95% of gdp. Canada's is 6.6% atm.
All over the world, Left Wing governments destroy their economies!
As a conservative, I take offense at the statement NDP supports welfare moms and uneducated trash.
While I may think the NDP has a track record of destroying economies. I think that comment a bit below the belt. I would like to think conservatives care about welfare trash and the uneducated in this country as well.
If Jack is the leader then we are lemmings.
And I quote:
"Only Stephen Harper and the Conservative Party have shown the leadership, the bullheadedness (let's call it what it is) and the discipline this country needs. He has built the Conservatives into arguably the only truly national party, and during his five years in office has demonstrated strength of character, resolve and a desire to reform. Canadians take Mr. Harper's successful stewardship of the economy for granted, which is high praise. He has not been the scary character portrayed by the opposition; with some exceptions, his government has been moderate and pragmatic." - Globe and Mail
Wow I haven't seen those talking points for a few days.
You want to see Senate Reform? Elect a Majority Conservative government. That's the only way.
It would be ridiculous to think a minority could pull something like that off.
Election dates law does not preempt the constitution which says if the government loses the confidence of the house, the GG usually calls an election. That is why. I don't get how people don't get that.
Then they have the audacity to flaunt their abject ignorance and say these are examples of Harper lying
Good points Lorne, not that the fanatics will let up in their dreaming. In fact, you answered a number of my concerns. I would be happier with a couple more points, but you are right this really is a regional thing.
I agree that the message the conservatives wanted to talk about changed. Even though Canada walked on water through the worst economic melt-down since the Great Depression, that is I am sorry to say, yesterday's news apparently. They should have demonstrated a bit more flexibility on health-care and pension reform. I think they were trying to wrest the conversation to their key talking points.
I am not sure I wish a Kim Campbell on the Liberals though. It may happen with good reason. But I fear that would make the vote on the left too lop-sided. Maybe not, Kim Campbel only got 2 seats, but the party was a very strong second in most ridings, and that didn't translate into seats. We could see the same happen to the NDP to some extent.
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