It is hard being brought up short--and find you need to rethink your reasoning to find the flaw that led you here.
However despite that, it is your right as a Canadian to vote as you wish. You might start by re-examining your assumptions: "...can count on to
put our interests above their own greed and avarice?" it is clear your are quite sanctimonious in your opinion MPs are in politics for greed and avarice. As if at least some of them weren't for making a positive difference to the country they love.
Your note is replete with this sort of intellectual flaccidity. I don't post on every rant that scales this page, but I paused to respond because at least you sounded like you *want* to be reasonable.
Rather than get hung up on the horns of a truth in the tension of the paradox.
Friday, April 29, 2011
Mr. Harper is not Mr. Personality. He comes across stuffy, he's over-weight, he wears a toupee, and he was born with his eyes looking funny.
When it comes right down to running the country, how many of the above "qualities" have anything to do with it?
Considering the global melt-down of the past several years, Canada's success is next to miraculous. He has managed minority governments longer than any other PM. That was the hand he was dealt, and look how he handled it. Look how much under budget we came in last year... unreportedly 14Billion. We will retire this deficit on schedule.
In my view they have earned the right to a majority government. We gave him minorities because we were afraid of some secret agenda. We were told to fear it because the pundits, and the parties told us to.
He isn't scary. He's a pudgy hockey-dad with a stroke of political genius.
@apr27: You have a case of sour grapes. Your condescension, claiming greater intellect, reason, and superiority.
Some sort of omniscience would be required to have knowledge of the conversations and debate that happened around that table. Who knew what sort of concerns around democratic principles occurred?
So forgive me when I sound patronizing. The Globe has been endorsing in electoral races since the 1880s. Its what it does. It is clear you are upset, not because of their "craven drivel" but because simply they chose differently than you have. I probably would have too, but I would have admitted it. I come from a conservative point of view. I know that, yet I still try to understand the contentions of the other parties even though I might inevitably disagree with them. I have taken positions therefore that differ from the Conservative party. The digital rights medium legislation doesn't sit right with me, and I have no problem saying so. Surely people of any political persuasion give voice to differing opinion. Surely they aren't stuck on the talking points. Perhaps I am mistaken.
In reporting, there are several modes of writing an article. Investigative reporting is supposed to be neutral. The conclusion, a product of the facts. Editorials are not that!
To expect them to be a regurgitation of public opinion is a revolting thought. Any media has personalities writing editorials that reveal their bent. That is clear to see, but I still read opinion from the left. For me, I need to understand it, to see if I can compromise in some way. The G&M has done that, and I appreciate it.
When it comes right down to running the country, how many of the above "qualities" have anything to do with it?
Considering the global melt-down of the past several years, Canada's success is next to miraculous. He has managed minority governments longer than any other PM. That was the hand he was dealt, and look how he handled it. Look how much under budget we came in last year... unreportedly 14Billion. We will retire this deficit on schedule.
In my view they have earned the right to a majority government. We gave him minorities because we were afraid of some secret agenda. We were told to fear it because the pundits, and the parties told us to.
He isn't scary. He's a pudgy hockey-dad with a stroke of political genius.
@apr27: You have a case of sour grapes. Your condescension, claiming greater intellect, reason, and superiority.
Some sort of omniscience would be required to have knowledge of the conversations and debate that happened around that table. Who knew what sort of concerns around democratic principles occurred?
So forgive me when I sound patronizing. The Globe has been endorsing in electoral races since the 1880s. Its what it does. It is clear you are upset, not because of their "craven drivel" but because simply they chose differently than you have. I probably would have too, but I would have admitted it. I come from a conservative point of view. I know that, yet I still try to understand the contentions of the other parties even though I might inevitably disagree with them. I have taken positions therefore that differ from the Conservative party. The digital rights medium legislation doesn't sit right with me, and I have no problem saying so. Surely people of any political persuasion give voice to differing opinion. Surely they aren't stuck on the talking points. Perhaps I am mistaken.
In reporting, there are several modes of writing an article. Investigative reporting is supposed to be neutral. The conclusion, a product of the facts. Editorials are not that!
To expect them to be a regurgitation of public opinion is a revolting thought. Any media has personalities writing editorials that reveal their bent. That is clear to see, but I still read opinion from the left. For me, I need to understand it, to see if I can compromise in some way. The G&M has done that, and I appreciate it.
Yeah, just what we need another Hugo Chavez north of the border. Think that keystone pipeline will be built? Nope.
The oilsands, and the oil we produce has been the economic engine of the economy, producing more tax revenue than any other source. The day after a Layton government, everything will start falling apart.
At the end of the day, the Conservatives are a Fascists party and will push for a totalitarian agenda. No thanks...
1950's Psychobabble LOL!. Its now 2011 people?, the NDP will do the best they can to stay in power just like every other party does, accountable to the PEOPLE, unlike the Harper Regime...
One party takes care of the people by creating programs like Medicare...
The other party takes care of the oil companies, banks & big corporations(NOT YOU), more millions for the millionaires...
That's LEFT vs. RIGHT, take your pick & live with it.
From the budget of 2009, all the governments of the world except China were spending like drunken sailors. Canada's spending was profoundly conservative in comparison. Great Britain spent 95% of its gdp, the US under Obama is down 4.5 trillion. It may be hard to understand these numbers so lets make it simple, if Canada had spent as the socialist governments did, our debt would have increased 450 Billion. I am talking NET debt.
Almost double the 519 Billion we have today after the "spending spree" of the government.
The opposition demanded a deficit stimulus. The Conservatives agreed, and indeed had to comply, since they were in a minority situation
The oilsands, and the oil we produce has been the economic engine of the economy, producing more tax revenue than any other source. The day after a Layton government, everything will start falling apart.
A poster on the G@M said:At the end of the day, the Conservatives are a Fascists party and will push for a totalitarian agenda. No thanks...
1950's Psychobabble LOL!. Its now 2011 people?, the NDP will do the best they can to stay in power just like every other party does, accountable to the PEOPLE, unlike the Harper Regime...
One party takes care of the people by creating programs like Medicare...
The other party takes care of the oil companies, banks & big corporations(NOT YOU), more millions for the millionaires...
That's LEFT vs. RIGHT, take your pick & live with it.
2:29 PM on April 29, 2011
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It is either disingenuous or profoundly ignorant for you to Label Mr. Harper a fascist. We all know the emotion that tired word is supposed to evoke, but its almost lost all meaning. Meant to elicit visions of another Hitler, actually the opposite would be true: Hitlers Nazi-ism was a form of socialism. Look up the name of the party Hitler led.
If anything we have to fear is a populist socialist leader rising to power in Canada.
Or, Like Bernard Shaw said in the 1960s, the term "fascist" has ceased to have any meaning in the English language.
My recommendation drop the label it doesn't work any more, and elicits the opposite reaction we know you desire, and makes you look silly.
If anything we have to fear is a populist socialist leader rising to power in Canada.
Or, Like Bernard Shaw said in the 1960s, the term "fascist" has ceased to have any meaning in the English language.
My recommendation drop the label it doesn't work any more, and elicits the opposite reaction we know you desire, and makes you look silly.
Allan smithee said:
The 'Tories' on the other hand,have been spending like drunken sailors,they pissed away years of billion dollar deficits and gave us our biggest deficit of $40 billion and a staggering debt of $519 billion dollar debt.I think you have forgotten one or two things that would bring things into focus for you:-------------------------------
From the budget of 2009, all the governments of the world except China were spending like drunken sailors. Canada's spending was profoundly conservative in comparison. Great Britain spent 95% of its gdp, the US under Obama is down 4.5 trillion. It may be hard to understand these numbers so lets make it simple, if Canada had spent as the socialist governments did, our debt would have increased 450 Billion. I am talking NET debt.
Almost double the 519 Billion we have today after the "spending spree" of the government.
The opposition demanded a deficit stimulus. The Conservatives agreed, and indeed had to comply, since they were in a minority situation
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Globe and Mail Posts, April 28
Good points Lorne, not that the fanatics will let up in their dreaming. In fact, you answered a number of my concerns. I would be happier with a couple more points, but you are right this really is a regional thing.
I agree that the message the conservatives wanted to talk about changed. Even though Canada walked on water through the worst economic melt-down since the Great Depression, that is I am sorry to say, yesterday's news apparently. They should have demonstrated a bit more flexibility on health-care and pension reform. I think they were trying to wrest the conversation to their key talking points.
I am not sure I wish a Kim Campbell on the Liberals though. It may happen with good reason. But I fear that would make the vote on the left too lop-sided. Maybe not, Kim Campbel only got 2 seats, but the party was a very strong second in most ridings, and that didn't translate into seats. We could see the same happen to the NDP to some extent.
Its interesting the desperation to, by any means, deflect the campaign issues away from the Economy. It is bizarre to think Canada sailed through the most brutal recession since the Great Depression, and then we forgot about it.
NDP stating the youth vote is going to sweep them into power and sweep away the "bad" Conservatives.
Well, I give the youth more credit. They can think, and if they are too young to remember, they can look it up.
The deficit spending was demanded by the opposition.
The Conservatives in minority, offered that deficit budget up in order to make parliament work, knowing full well they were going to be blamed for it later.
That's politics: Damned if you do, Damned if you don't.
Since there so many of us oldsters that are stuck in our ways, at least the youth can take a good look at it. Free of prejudicial manipulation? Well, one can hope.
"its the governments fault for not lowering ltrs/100km. /efficiency."
Ha! Blame the government for the cars we choose to drive! That's it! Brilliant!
Ok. listen carefully, prices at the pump are linked to the world wide price of oil, which a year ago was about 80.00. Today its 120.00 (112-125). If your input costs go up 50% what happens at the other end?
However. Governments add taxes and royalties, it has been static for decades.
The point being made, is that on TOP of the taxes and royalties we already pay, Jack intends to add effective tax. In BC the Libs put that on us, and we are still mad about it. For the NDP to take a whack at us too in BC, would be par for the course as far as I am concerned, and every dang BC'r that is deciding to vote NDP is going to deserve it.______________________
As a conservative, I take offense at the statement NDP supports welfare moms and uneducated trash.
While I may think the NDP has a track record of destroying economies. I think that comment a bit below the belt. I would like to think conservatives care about welfare trash and the uneducated in this country as well.
If Jack is the leader then we are lemmings.
And I quote:
"Only Stephen Harper and the Conservative Party have shown the leadership, the bullheadedness (let's call it what it is) and the discipline this country needs. He has built the Conservatives into arguably the only truly national party, and during his five years in office has demonstrated strength of character, resolve and a desire to reform. Canadians take Mr. Harper's successful stewardship of the economy for granted, which is high praise. He has not been the scary character portrayed by the opposition; with some exceptions, his government has been moderate and pragmatic." - Globe and Mail
Wow I haven't seen those talking points for a few days.
You want to see Senate Reform? Elect a Majority Conservative government. That's the only way.
It would be ridiculous to think a minority could pull something like that off.
Election dates law does not preempt the constitution which says if the government loses the confidence of the house, the GG usually calls an election. That is why. I don't get how people don't get that.
Then they have the audacity to flaunt their abject ignorance and say these are examples of Harper lying
Good points Lorne, not that the fanatics will let up in their dreaming. In fact, you answered a number of my concerns. I would be happier with a couple more points, but you are right this really is a regional thing.
I agree that the message the conservatives wanted to talk about changed. Even though Canada walked on water through the worst economic melt-down since the Great Depression, that is I am sorry to say, yesterday's news apparently. They should have demonstrated a bit more flexibility on health-care and pension reform. I think they were trying to wrest the conversation to their key talking points.
I am not sure I wish a Kim Campbell on the Liberals though. It may happen with good reason. But I fear that would make the vote on the left too lop-sided. Maybe not, Kim Campbel only got 2 seats, but the party was a very strong second in most ridings, and that didn't translate into seats. We could see the same happen to the NDP to some extent.
I agree that the message the conservatives wanted to talk about changed. Even though Canada walked on water through the worst economic melt-down since the Great Depression, that is I am sorry to say, yesterday's news apparently. They should have demonstrated a bit more flexibility on health-care and pension reform. I think they were trying to wrest the conversation to their key talking points.
I am not sure I wish a Kim Campbell on the Liberals though. It may happen with good reason. But I fear that would make the vote on the left too lop-sided. Maybe not, Kim Campbel only got 2 seats, but the party was a very strong second in most ridings, and that didn't translate into seats. We could see the same happen to the NDP to some extent.
Its interesting the desperation to, by any means, deflect the campaign issues away from the Economy. It is bizarre to think Canada sailed through the most brutal recession since the Great Depression, and then we forgot about it.
NDP stating the youth vote is going to sweep them into power and sweep away the "bad" Conservatives.
Well, I give the youth more credit. They can think, and if they are too young to remember, they can look it up.
The deficit spending was demanded by the opposition.
The Conservatives in minority, offered that deficit budget up in order to make parliament work, knowing full well they were going to be blamed for it later.
That's politics: Damned if you do, Damned if you don't.
Since there so many of us oldsters that are stuck in our ways, at least the youth can take a good look at it. Free of prejudicial manipulation? Well, one can hope.
"its the governments fault for not lowering ltrs/100km. /efficiency."
Ha! Blame the government for the cars we choose to drive! That's it! Brilliant!
Ok. listen carefully, prices at the pump are linked to the world wide price of oil, which a year ago was about 80.00. Today its 120.00 (112-125). If your input costs go up 50% what happens at the other end?
However. Governments add taxes and royalties, it has been static for decades.
The point being made, is that on TOP of the taxes and royalties we already pay, Jack intends to add effective tax. In BC the Libs put that on us, and we are still mad about it. For the NDP to take a whack at us too in BC, would be par for the course as far as I am concerned, and every dang BC'r that is deciding to vote NDP is going to deserve it.______________________
1:41 PM on April 28, 2011
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Good question:
Compare to the US, Canada 50B, US 4.5Trillion.
Canada's debt would have increased 450B! Not 50.
(Canada's total national debt is 561B in TOTAL)
Compare with England under the Labour party: Deficit at 95% of gdp. Canada's is 6.6% atm.
All over the world, Left Wing governments destroy their economies!
Compare to the US, Canada 50B, US 4.5Trillion.
Canada's debt would have increased 450B! Not 50.
(Canada's total national debt is 561B in TOTAL)
Compare with England under the Labour party: Deficit at 95% of gdp. Canada's is 6.6% atm.
All over the world, Left Wing governments destroy their economies!
As a conservative, I take offense at the statement NDP supports welfare moms and uneducated trash.
While I may think the NDP has a track record of destroying economies. I think that comment a bit below the belt. I would like to think conservatives care about welfare trash and the uneducated in this country as well.
If Jack is the leader then we are lemmings.
And I quote:
"Only Stephen Harper and the Conservative Party have shown the leadership, the bullheadedness (let's call it what it is) and the discipline this country needs. He has built the Conservatives into arguably the only truly national party, and during his five years in office has demonstrated strength of character, resolve and a desire to reform. Canadians take Mr. Harper's successful stewardship of the economy for granted, which is high praise. He has not been the scary character portrayed by the opposition; with some exceptions, his government has been moderate and pragmatic." - Globe and Mail
Wow I haven't seen those talking points for a few days.
You want to see Senate Reform? Elect a Majority Conservative government. That's the only way.
It would be ridiculous to think a minority could pull something like that off.
Election dates law does not preempt the constitution which says if the government loses the confidence of the house, the GG usually calls an election. That is why. I don't get how people don't get that.
Then they have the audacity to flaunt their abject ignorance and say these are examples of Harper lying
Good points Lorne, not that the fanatics will let up in their dreaming. In fact, you answered a number of my concerns. I would be happier with a couple more points, but you are right this really is a regional thing.
I agree that the message the conservatives wanted to talk about changed. Even though Canada walked on water through the worst economic melt-down since the Great Depression, that is I am sorry to say, yesterday's news apparently. They should have demonstrated a bit more flexibility on health-care and pension reform. I think they were trying to wrest the conversation to their key talking points.
I am not sure I wish a Kim Campbell on the Liberals though. It may happen with good reason. But I fear that would make the vote on the left too lop-sided. Maybe not, Kim Campbel only got 2 seats, but the party was a very strong second in most ridings, and that didn't translate into seats. We could see the same happen to the NDP to some extent.
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Toronto sun rants.
I am getting tired answering these talking points over and over and over again.
And I don't want to run down this list again and again. Stop copy/pasting and think for yourself for a minute.
As a PM, when you have a signed memorandum of understanding, we get 65 jets for 75 million a piece, how can it be a lie to go with the signed document over rumor? These new cost estimates appeared out of nowhere the past 3 weeks. The old ones included maintenance costs for 30 years for pete's sake. Can you ever remember a military purchase that included maintenance? You sign an agreement for sale for a new car, ordered from the factory. The next day your neighbor tells you he hears that the dealership is going to jack the price by 300%. What are you going to believe? The signed memorandum of understanding, or the neighbor's rumor? Every single one of your talking points has been answered and debunked repeatedly by anyone with a memory or working knowledge. I could copy and paste arguments I have made, thought out myself to rebut every point, but you obviously copy/pasted off another web site to raise these tired issues for the umpteenth time. I could post those, but then I wouldn't want you or the editor to think I am merely spamming
Lies? All I see are innuendos. The only issue that isn't outright baseless is the income trust reversal. And on that one, I think it was a necessary change in direction the FM & PM had to make.
I think Adam may be a little young. He can't remember the massive claw backs the Liberals instigated under Martin, trying to pay for the massive debt legacy of Trudeau. Cap and Trade? Didn't that work out great for Europe? (NOT).
The NDP phenomena will break once Canadians start doing the math. Right now its euphoria stoked by the media... I suppose the pollsters aren't doing too bad either.
And I don't want to run down this list again and again. Stop copy/pasting and think for yourself for a minute.
As a PM, when you have a signed memorandum of understanding, we get 65 jets for 75 million a piece, how can it be a lie to go with the signed document over rumor? These new cost estimates appeared out of nowhere the past 3 weeks. The old ones included maintenance costs for 30 years for pete's sake. Can you ever remember a military purchase that included maintenance? You sign an agreement for sale for a new car, ordered from the factory. The next day your neighbor tells you he hears that the dealership is going to jack the price by 300%. What are you going to believe? The signed memorandum of understanding, or the neighbor's rumor? Every single one of your talking points has been answered and debunked repeatedly by anyone with a memory or working knowledge. I could copy and paste arguments I have made, thought out myself to rebut every point, but you obviously copy/pasted off another web site to raise these tired issues for the umpteenth time. I could post those, but then I wouldn't want you or the editor to think I am merely spamming
Lies? All I see are innuendos. The only issue that isn't outright baseless is the income trust reversal. And on that one, I think it was a necessary change in direction the FM & PM had to make.
"While Harper has done a sound job on the economy..."
Why does the Sun keep pushing that? It's not so. Harper's plans for the economy would have accelerated, lengthened and deepened the recession.
Paul Martin did a sound job on the economy. He did such a good job that Harper wasn't able to do too much damage before the recession hit. As for taking taxes off gas - well, Harper promised to eliminate the GST on gasoline when it went over 85 cents / litre. Now, I don't know about the rest of you, but I'm still paying GST when I buy gas.
Why does the Sun keep pushing that? It's not so. Harper's plans for the economy would have accelerated, lengthened and deepened the recession.
Paul Martin did a sound job on the economy. He did such a good job that Harper wasn't able to do too much damage before the recession hit. As for taking taxes off gas - well, Harper promised to eliminate the GST on gasoline when it went over 85 cents / litre. Now, I don't know about the rest of you, but I'm still paying GST when I buy gas.
Would have or did? I mean unlike the opposition parties one cannot say the Conservatives speak hypothetically. Of course you do, speak hypothetically anyhow...
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
The kill ratio of a stealth fighter against an F-18/15/16 is 108:0.
Yes the tech makes that much difference.
The paradox of war and peace from a Canadian view:
Bosnia: should we have sat on our thumbs watching genocide? Even after Rwanda
You have a signed agreement for a new Car. The next day your neighbor comes over and says he heard the dealership is going to crank your price up 20,000.00.
Who you gonna believe?
Got 350 Billion in your jeans? No one country can afford to R&D and build planes like these at this time. I don't think Canadians would like to add 75% on to the national debt.
Actually an MOU is a contract. It is not a letter of intent, that was an earlier staged agreement.
If one party changes the prices or swaps the goods the other can walk without penalty if they want to
Yes the tech makes that much difference.
The paradox of war and peace from a Canadian view:
Bosnia: should we have sat on our thumbs watching genocide? Even after Rwanda
You have a signed agreement for a new Car. The next day your neighbor comes over and says he heard the dealership is going to crank your price up 20,000.00.
Who you gonna believe?
Got 350 Billion in your jeans? No one country can afford to R&D and build planes like these at this time. I don't think Canadians would like to add 75% on to the national debt.
Actually an MOU is a contract. It is not a letter of intent, that was an earlier staged agreement.
If one party changes the prices or swaps the goods the other can walk without penalty if they want to
Hmm, safer Canadian streets, where criminals with 20 convictions are actually tucked away in jail instead of doing drive-bys. Where rapists and child molesters are not released early because of over crowding problems. Or are released after 1/3 their sentence. Where the prisons themselves are not falling down. Where prisoners actually have their own cells instead of bunking in the gym. No, the prisons thing has a lot going for it if one cares to scratch the surface.
On the Jets, Canada's MOE commits it to 4.875 Billion for 65 planes (75mx65). The government added a few billion for cost over runs and came to 8.9. These are purchase price costs. Not with 30 years of maintenance built in. Kevin Page's 30 B number not only includes maintenance for 30 years, it costs it out in 30 year dollars.
In other words 30 years from 2016, looking back we will have spent 30 Billion. Given costs of inflation, depreciation of the dollar, that would be in line with reasonable argument. But for all these arm-chair generals to pontificate and pass judgment on whether the government is telling the truth is just silly. Educate yourself before joining in the howling at the moon
Certainly this program's costs are escalating. The original price was in the low 40 millions. However to bear down on this deal, in frank, legal terms the memorandum of understanding put the price of each plane at 75 million. Which equals a surprisingly low 4.875 Billion. The government allowed several extra billions for over runs to 8.9 B.
But this is the purchase price. It certainly doesn't presume to predict maintenance costs for 30 years! Do you buy 20 years of maintenance when you buy your car?
Of course not. Kevin Page's 30B estimate not only tries to make such a projection, but looks at it with 30 year dollars. In other words 30 years after delivery the total cost might be 30B. Well.... do the shakey math. Is that too hard to buy? It certainly doesn't reflect on our purchase costs. These planes fly at about 50,000.00 per hour. How many hours will we put on these planes in 30 years? How many theaters of war did we predict 30 years ago? Bosnia? Afghanistan? Iraq 1? Libya? How many hours have we flown in those engagements?
I would wish for 30 years of real peace. But a military cannot plan for that.
The R&D on this project is 350 Billion. Want that added to our national debt? That might do it.
Why does no one bother to do the math. What is 65 fighters times 75 million each? 4.8 Billion Dollars. The feds indicated they allotted 8.9 Billion last summer. The difference between the two totals is multiple billions. As frustrating as it is to have no-it-all posters on this board, its worse that this is nursed along by the CBC.
Price of 65 planes at 75 million each equals 4.875 Billion
Released Costs including contingency: 8.9 Billion
4.425 Billion difference.
On the Jets, Canada's MOE commits it to 4.875 Billion for 65 planes (75mx65). The government added a few billion for cost over runs and came to 8.9. These are purchase price costs. Not with 30 years of maintenance built in. Kevin Page's 30 B number not only includes maintenance for 30 years, it costs it out in 30 year dollars.
In other words 30 years from 2016, looking back we will have spent 30 Billion. Given costs of inflation, depreciation of the dollar, that would be in line with reasonable argument. But for all these arm-chair generals to pontificate and pass judgment on whether the government is telling the truth is just silly. Educate yourself before joining in the howling at the moon
Certainly this program's costs are escalating. The original price was in the low 40 millions. However to bear down on this deal, in frank, legal terms the memorandum of understanding put the price of each plane at 75 million. Which equals a surprisingly low 4.875 Billion. The government allowed several extra billions for over runs to 8.9 B.
But this is the purchase price. It certainly doesn't presume to predict maintenance costs for 30 years! Do you buy 20 years of maintenance when you buy your car?
Of course not. Kevin Page's 30B estimate not only tries to make such a projection, but looks at it with 30 year dollars. In other words 30 years after delivery the total cost might be 30B. Well.... do the shakey math. Is that too hard to buy? It certainly doesn't reflect on our purchase costs. These planes fly at about 50,000.00 per hour. How many hours will we put on these planes in 30 years? How many theaters of war did we predict 30 years ago? Bosnia? Afghanistan? Iraq 1? Libya? How many hours have we flown in those engagements?
I would wish for 30 years of real peace. But a military cannot plan for that.
The R&D on this project is 350 Billion. Want that added to our national debt? That might do it.
Why does no one bother to do the math. What is 65 fighters times 75 million each? 4.8 Billion Dollars. The feds indicated they allotted 8.9 Billion last summer. The difference between the two totals is multiple billions. As frustrating as it is to have no-it-all posters on this board, its worse that this is nursed along by the CBC.
Price of 65 planes at 75 million each equals 4.875 Billion
Released Costs including contingency: 8.9 Billion
4.425 Billion difference.
Monday, April 25, 2011
Helen in many respects I agree with you. In terms of educational credentials, Mr. Ignatieff has it made. This election, I suppose like most elections have staggering amounts of spin. I need to point out however, that the Liberals have had no problem spinning a story. The problem they have is with people buying it. Take for example the "Contempt of Parliament" motion that was what brought down the government. Canadians read the spin on that right away; they knew that was a poor joke of an excuse to try to smear the Conservatives by the power of the opposition, who in a minority government hold the balance of power. Perhaps after so many elections, one after another, Canadians are used to reading the spin...
Johnyblog on the Globe and Mail:
"...“It’s my country,” he said. He then paused, ban@ed the table and repeated himself, before saying that he was tired of talking about this subject. ..."
(interestingly I had to change the "g" to an "@" because the Globe filter doesn't like 'ban@ed' ha ha (even though it's a cut and paste from their own story....kind of Big Brother..).
So you lefties say Harper is aggressive and angry and dictatorial? All I have seen for this entire campaign from the Liberals is aggression and anger. The entire contempt motion was unnecessary and fueled by partisan anger. While Canada struggles and people need jobs and stability..all you Liberals can think about is how to get back the power you lost.
Well keep dreaming... Canadians figured you out. They figured out that your manipulative little mini-scandals were nothing but partisan nonsense. They figured out that your spin on Harper's personality was nothing but partisan nonsense (because you knew he was clean so had to invent a reason for people to dislike him). They figured out that the Tory ads are true...Ignatieff is an emigrant enticed to participate in Canadian politics because he arrogantly believed he was a marketable product (not because he loves this country). Your whole strategy (all of it) from start to finish..from detainees, to prorogue, to contempt motions, even having the Globe on your bandwagon spinning away during the election..all of it BACKFIRED.. No one bought any of it. Looks like Canadians aren't the gullible colonial sheep you thought they were ay count Iggy? Go back to the USA where you belong
Johnyblog on the Globe and Mail:
"...“It’s my country,” he said. He then paused, ban@ed the table and repeated himself, before saying that he was tired of talking about this subject. ..."
(interestingly I had to change the "g" to an "@" because the Globe filter doesn't like 'ban@ed' ha ha (even though it's a cut and paste from their own story....kind of Big Brother..).
So you lefties say Harper is aggressive and angry and dictatorial? All I have seen for this entire campaign from the Liberals is aggression and anger. The entire contempt motion was unnecessary and fueled by partisan anger. While Canada struggles and people need jobs and stability..all you Liberals can think about is how to get back the power you lost.
Well keep dreaming... Canadians figured you out. They figured out that your manipulative little mini-scandals were nothing but partisan nonsense. They figured out that your spin on Harper's personality was nothing but partisan nonsense (because you knew he was clean so had to invent a reason for people to dislike him). They figured out that the Tory ads are true...Ignatieff is an emigrant enticed to participate in Canadian politics because he arrogantly believed he was a marketable product (not because he loves this country). Your whole strategy (all of it) from start to finish..from detainees, to prorogue, to contempt motions, even having the Globe on your bandwagon spinning away during the election..all of it BACKFIRED.. No one bought any of it. Looks like Canadians aren't the gullible colonial sheep you thought they were ay count Iggy? Go back to the USA where you belong
Democracy rev. 2
Mr. Harper is not charismatic, flashy or superficial. Instead, he is stable, focused and brilliant.
Having run a minority government longer than any other PM in the history of Canada has been a feat. He has used pretty much every lever of power available to him... and surprised the opposition many times with his brilliance.
The deficit is going down another 10Billioin this year, and we are tracking to have it elliminatedin a few years. The stimulus deficit spending was demanded by the opposition and few thought it would be enough. So now when they cry wolf, Canadians see right through them if they have any recollection at all.
In equal proportion, had a liberal government like Obama's government had been at the wheel, we would have added 450 Billion to the national debt. Or increased it by 75%. (the US is down 4.5 Trillion dollars atm)
If anything, the deficit is conservative. Lower than it could be--yet was quickly injected into the economy creating jobs at a time of crisis.
The Conservatives have been far more democratic than those across the floor. For Iggy to lay the charge to the contrary, in light of the very fact he was never elected into power as Liberal leader boggles my mind. No, instead it was the politburo that made that call. Sure the Conservatives have been shrewd--minority government is about survival, and survival takes all the tools a democracy gives you. That is why they deserve a term at a majority. 4 years isn't that long, but it will be a window for Canadians to see what sort of stuff the Conservatives are really made of. They have earned that much.
There may be fewer treats in the Conservative bag of promises. But at least you know they are substance, not fluff. Canadians will not be bribed with their own money Jack and Iggy!
Having run a minority government longer than any other PM in the history of Canada has been a feat. He has used pretty much every lever of power available to him... and surprised the opposition many times with his brilliance.
The deficit is going down another 10Billioin this year, and we are tracking to have it elliminatedin a few years. The stimulus deficit spending was demanded by the opposition and few thought it would be enough. So now when they cry wolf, Canadians see right through them if they have any recollection at all.
In equal proportion, had a liberal government like Obama's government had been at the wheel, we would have added 450 Billion to the national debt. Or increased it by 75%. (the US is down 4.5 Trillion dollars atm)
If anything, the deficit is conservative. Lower than it could be--yet was quickly injected into the economy creating jobs at a time of crisis.
The Conservatives have been far more democratic than those across the floor. For Iggy to lay the charge to the contrary, in light of the very fact he was never elected into power as Liberal leader boggles my mind. No, instead it was the politburo that made that call. Sure the Conservatives have been shrewd--minority government is about survival, and survival takes all the tools a democracy gives you. That is why they deserve a term at a majority. 4 years isn't that long, but it will be a window for Canadians to see what sort of stuff the Conservatives are really made of. They have earned that much.
There may be fewer treats in the Conservative bag of promises. But at least you know they are substance, not fluff. Canadians will not be bribed with their own money Jack and Iggy!
Harper Democratic?
Your premise is flawed. Mr. Harper is not charismatic, flashy or superficial. Instead, he is stable, focused and brilliant.
Having run a minority government longer than any other PM in the history of Canada has been a feat. He has used pretty much every lever of power available to him... and surprised the opposition many times with his brilliance.
The deficit is going down another 10Billioin this year, and we are tracking to have it elliminated.
The stimulus deficit spending was demanded by the opposition and few thought it would be enough. So now when they cry wolf, Canadians see right through them.
In equal proportion, had a liberal government like Obama's government had been at the wheel, we would have added 450 Billion to the national debt. Or increased it by 75%. (the US is down 4.5 Trillion dollars atm)
If anything, the deficit is conservative. Lower than it could be yet was quickly injected into the economy creating jobs at a time of crisis.
The Conservatives have been far more democratic than those across the floor. For Iggy to lay the charge in light of the very fact he was never elected into power as Liberal leader. It was the politburo that made that call. Sure the Conservatives have been shrewd--minority government is about survival, and survival takes all the tools a democracy gives you. That is why they deserve a term at a majority. 4 years isn't that long, but it will be a window for Canadians to see what sort of stuff the Conservatives are really made of.
Having run a minority government longer than any other PM in the history of Canada has been a feat. He has used pretty much every lever of power available to him... and surprised the opposition many times with his brilliance.
The deficit is going down another 10Billioin this year, and we are tracking to have it elliminated.
The stimulus deficit spending was demanded by the opposition and few thought it would be enough. So now when they cry wolf, Canadians see right through them.
In equal proportion, had a liberal government like Obama's government had been at the wheel, we would have added 450 Billion to the national debt. Or increased it by 75%. (the US is down 4.5 Trillion dollars atm)
If anything, the deficit is conservative. Lower than it could be yet was quickly injected into the economy creating jobs at a time of crisis.
The Conservatives have been far more democratic than those across the floor. For Iggy to lay the charge in light of the very fact he was never elected into power as Liberal leader. It was the politburo that made that call. Sure the Conservatives have been shrewd--minority government is about survival, and survival takes all the tools a democracy gives you. That is why they deserve a term at a majority. 4 years isn't that long, but it will be a window for Canadians to see what sort of stuff the Conservatives are really made of.
Friday, April 22, 2011
Atheism's myth
Once upon a time, people didn't believe in a land without the snow: Didn't believe it could be so hot the parkas must come off. Everyone's food was seal meat.
In contrast in places south people believed the opposite and never saw a seal. And people in between believed neither
In contrast in places south people believed the opposite and never saw a seal. And people in between believed neither
Lipstick on a Pig
Long have I said that nothing but a true renewal will allow the Liberals back into power. Like a prisoner, who was found guilty with bags of cash, who never believes that punishment is what he deserves, the Liberals have not really accepted the seriousness of adscam. They have come out of the woodshed without finding true repentance first. Too much humiliation for the proud, rightful rulers of Canada. Ignatieff could have been excellent at facilitating this renewal. Instead, he put lipstick on a pig....
Coalitoin hypocrisy?
Perhaps unlike others, these sorts of essays written in Harper's youth are not so unexpected or surprising.
In the Reform party, there was always the view of the outsider, who being shut out from key areas in central Canada was looking to do what ever they could to gain power. It wasn't as though there wasn't precedent. The Liberals and the NDP 2nd and 3rd placed in the election of 1963--formed a coalition against the conservatives. In 1925, William Lyon McKenzie King employed the technique with support of the progressives, leading to the longest term as Prime Minister of any in Canadian history.
So it would be a surprise if a politician such as Mr. Harper DID NOT think about coalition. It reminds me of that streak in human nature to suspect the worst of your neighbor for the very things you think yourself.
My perception is that this message has galvanized the right more-so than convinced the center. The center ignores the "coalition chatter" and will vote for the economic stability aspect of the Conservative platform. In fact the center can forgive a lot of little things for the stability of the essentials. This is why Mr. Harper appears like Teflon.
In the final analysis, the age-old Canadian adage about elections holds true: "Its the Economy, Stupid!"
In the Reform party, there was always the view of the outsider, who being shut out from key areas in central Canada was looking to do what ever they could to gain power. It wasn't as though there wasn't precedent. The Liberals and the NDP 2nd and 3rd placed in the election of 1963--formed a coalition against the conservatives. In 1925, William Lyon McKenzie King employed the technique with support of the progressives, leading to the longest term as Prime Minister of any in Canadian history.
So it would be a surprise if a politician such as Mr. Harper DID NOT think about coalition. It reminds me of that streak in human nature to suspect the worst of your neighbor for the very things you think yourself.
My perception is that this message has galvanized the right more-so than convinced the center. The center ignores the "coalition chatter" and will vote for the economic stability aspect of the Conservative platform. In fact the center can forgive a lot of little things for the stability of the essentials. This is why Mr. Harper appears like Teflon.
In the final analysis, the age-old Canadian adage about elections holds true: "Its the Economy, Stupid!"
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
A Quote from Coine;
"It is hard to quarrel with Michael Ignatieff’s analysis. Indeed, it’s unassailable. Had the opposition parties succeeded last fall in their plan to oust the Conservatives and form a coalition government in their place, the Liberal leader argues, it would have caused irreparable harm to Canadian unity. The coalition, he told a gathering in Montreal last weekend, would have “profoundly and durably divided the country.”
“There was also a question concerning the legitimacy of the coalition that troubled me,” he confided. While perfectly legal, it would nonetheless have struck many Canadians, coming so soon after an election in which the Liberals had suffered their worst defeat since Confederation, as if they and their coalition partners had “in some sense or another stolen power.”Moreover, it would have been very difficult to assure the country of the certainty and stability it needed in a time of crisis “with three partners in a formal coalition,” he said, likening it, CP reports, to a rickety three-legged stool. “That was my first doubt. I couldn’t guarantee the long-term stability of the coalition.” " by Andrew Coyne on Thursday, May 21, 2009 MacLean
“There was also a question concerning the legitimacy of the coalition that troubled me,” he confided. While perfectly legal, it would nonetheless have struck many Canadians, coming so soon after an election in which the Liberals had suffered their worst defeat since Confederation, as if they and their coalition partners had “in some sense or another stolen power.”Moreover, it would have been very difficult to assure the country of the certainty and stability it needed in a time of crisis “with three partners in a formal coalition,” he said, likening it, CP reports, to a rickety three-legged stool. “That was my first doubt. I couldn’t guarantee the long-term stability of the coalition.” " by Andrew Coyne on Thursday, May 21, 2009 MacLean
Memories & Intelligence in Canadians despite what politicans tell us.
Well Iggy, your party has cost Canadian taxpayers another billion in all the elections you have caused. Canada has said no to your party for 7 years. We are finding this... tedious. We are tired of the making of issues from non-issues.
Why should Canadians be distracted from the number one country in the world. We know you wanted to take credit for this, but it has been 5 years of consecutive Conservative government that separates Canada from the other Liberal profligate states in the world. Who would say with a straight face, the Conservative government had nothing to do with it? Deficit stimulus at the demand of the opposition parties, has been now blamed on the Conservatives. Yet, in comparison with the 4.5 trillion in deficits under Obama, our deficits would have added 450B to the national debt. Brown, before losing the election had committed Brittan to a deficit equal to 95% of GDP. No, by comparison Canada's deficit was unbelievably small.
The thing I find most insulting about all this is that it says to Canadians you are stupid. You can't remember what has happened the past 2 years. And that you think we will play fetch with any bone you seem to come up with. Go away Mr. Ignattieff, the Liberals need to go back to the wood shed for another 5 years or so.
Why should Canadians be distracted from the number one country in the world. We know you wanted to take credit for this, but it has been 5 years of consecutive Conservative government that separates Canada from the other Liberal profligate states in the world. Who would say with a straight face, the Conservative government had nothing to do with it? Deficit stimulus at the demand of the opposition parties, has been now blamed on the Conservatives. Yet, in comparison with the 4.5 trillion in deficits under Obama, our deficits would have added 450B to the national debt. Brown, before losing the election had committed Brittan to a deficit equal to 95% of GDP. No, by comparison Canada's deficit was unbelievably small.
The thing I find most insulting about all this is that it says to Canadians you are stupid. You can't remember what has happened the past 2 years. And that you think we will play fetch with any bone you seem to come up with. Go away Mr. Ignattieff, the Liberals need to go back to the wood shed for another 5 years or so.
Monday, April 18, 2011
Fairy tales
12:07 PM on April 18, 2011
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Harper would have Canadians believe his Conservatives would
cut spending,
balance the budget,
lower corp tax rates to 15%,
maintain personal tax rates
increase health care funding,
buy 65 attack jets with no engines,
but he refuses to give his subjects any specifics on just how
all this will be funded and where the cuts will be.
Mr Harper's policy of secrecy did not work in Parliament
and will not work on Canadians
cut spending,
balance the budget,
lower corp tax rates to 15%,
maintain personal tax rates
increase health care funding,
buy 65 attack jets with no engines,
but he refuses to give his subjects any specifics on just how
all this will be funded and where the cuts will be.
Mr Harper's policy of secrecy did not work in Parliament
and will not work on Canadians
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2:24 PM on April 18, 2011
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Cut spending: means trimming 3% out of Canada's bureaucracy.
Balancing the Budget. No one noticed Canada defict dropped 14B in 2010. Keep it up and do the math.
Lower tax rates increases taxes by increasing economic activity. Ireland has a 12.5% tax rate, why is it all the countries in the world are locating "offices" there?
Maintain personal tax rates. Past action predicts future performance.
Increase health-care funding. How about start with a peace dividend. We are moving our war equipment out of Afghanistan... Grow the economy increases money available for health care investment.
Buy 65 F-35s for 8.9B payment on delivery in 2018.
Of course with engines. Man how can they make that stuff up?
And people believe Sovereign2s sh\t?
Balancing the Budget. No one noticed Canada defict dropped 14B in 2010. Keep it up and do the math.
Lower tax rates increases taxes by increasing economic activity. Ireland has a 12.5% tax rate, why is it all the countries in the world are locating "offices" there?
Maintain personal tax rates. Past action predicts future performance.
Increase health-care funding. How about start with a peace dividend. We are moving our war equipment out of Afghanistan... Grow the economy increases money available for health care investment.
Buy 65 F-35s for 8.9B payment on delivery in 2018.
Of course with engines. Man how can they make that stuff up?
And people believe Sovereign2s sh\t?
Past history predicts future performance
What to do when times are too good?
Forget it and find something else to fear.
Fear disunity?
Past history predicts future performance.
Fear Healthcare?
Past history predicts future performance.
Fear Economic forces?
Past history predicts future performance.
Fear that our soldiers are badly equipped?
Past history predicts future performance.
Fear high taxes?
Past history predicts future performance.
Fear big government?
Whats the matter with you those who don't!
Forget it and find something else to fear.
Fear disunity?
Past history predicts future performance.
Fear Healthcare?
Past history predicts future performance.
Fear Economic forces?
Past history predicts future performance.
Fear that our soldiers are badly equipped?
Past history predicts future performance.
Fear high taxes?
Past history predicts future performance.
Fear big government?
Whats the matter with you those who don't!
Sunday, April 17, 2011
Poor and Rich in Canada.
The poorest in Canada is rich. I know this from raising a family of 4 on less than 10,000.00 UNDER the poverty line.
Sure we never had "toys" like other Canadians, but we knew we lived in a great country and were rich because we had each other.
I have voted Conservative, because I wanted not for myself in better welfare (paid by Canadians) but that I wanted a better country. For as good as it is, we can be better. So I voted for the 2% drop in gst tax. Not because I needed it, my gst was subsidized so I paid no gst. (truth is I made about 50.00 a paycheck.) But I voted because I thought it was best for my country not for myself. I would love to see a day Canadians paid no income taxes. The oil sands could give it to us.
I see the Conservatives best able to make us all like Saudi's. So my vote is solidly with them.
Sure we never had "toys" like other Canadians, but we knew we lived in a great country and were rich because we had each other.
I have voted Conservative, because I wanted not for myself in better welfare (paid by Canadians) but that I wanted a better country. For as good as it is, we can be better. So I voted for the 2% drop in gst tax. Not because I needed it, my gst was subsidized so I paid no gst. (truth is I made about 50.00 a paycheck.) But I voted because I thought it was best for my country not for myself. I would love to see a day Canadians paid no income taxes. The oil sands could give it to us.
I see the Conservatives best able to make us all like Saudi's. So my vote is solidly with them.
Friday, April 15, 2011
Re: The balloting at Guelf U.
1:19 AM on April 16, 2011
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With only one official democracy is severely damaged. That is how you get votes like that in Iran or Afghanistan. If there are no bona fide witnesses of its validity, who is to say the box wasn't stuffed?
Its the witness of the scrutineers that has always validated the veracity of democracy.
AlethiaIts the witness of the scrutineers that has always validated the veracity of democracy.
Iggy said: "Mr. Harper checks the facebook page..." comon... as if Mr. Harper had time to do that??
Its his kind of lies and exaggeration that make the left so dangerous.
Rest assured if this were Obama's riding and security did the same thing, you would never hear a whisper of it.
Its his kind of lies and exaggeration that make the left so dangerous.
Rest assured if this were Obama's riding and security did the same thing, you would never hear a whisper of it.
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Mr. Harper and the Leadership Debate (english)
Few people of any political stripe would disagree Mr. Harper has a political genius. We may not like him, or what he has done, but you have to admit he used pretty much every lever of power available to him adroitly. It seemed like he thwarted every scheme by employing those powers in unexpected ways--keeping the opposition off-balanced. Not perfect a government, but it is impressive how Mr H. has survived over 5 years of minority government from a political science point of view. Last night it struck me: What is the one thing Canadians hate about Parliament? The "bickering", the heckling, behavior that would be inappropriate in any class room or social environ.
The genius of Mr. Harper, is that he let the other three drag that sort of "debate" from the House of Commons into their midst last night. Then, held his cool, calmly answered with stats and numbers, and let the other 3 make fools of themselves. While he stood in quiet contrast.
The genius of Mr. Harper, is that he let the other three drag that sort of "debate" from the House of Commons into their midst last night. Then, held his cool, calmly answered with stats and numbers, and let the other 3 make fools of themselves. While he stood in quiet contrast.
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
I wish I had the optimism to think the most voters vote for something rather than against it.
I don't think voter pep talks, however altruistic they might be, will do the trick. Given that tendency voters have to vote against something, I don't blame a candidate to be defensive. Clearly the Conservative strategy is to run the campaign with minimal mistakes. Hence the 4 question rule.
The problem is that gamely being open to questions is the same as foolishly exposing yourself to attack. Lets face it, the media hardly can claim innocence and objectivity in their motives and stories. This media has long been hostile to Mr. Harper. So he had to choose a side between the devil and the deep blue sea.
I don't think voter pep talks, however altruistic they might be, will do the trick. Given that tendency voters have to vote against something, I don't blame a candidate to be defensive. Clearly the Conservative strategy is to run the campaign with minimal mistakes. Hence the 4 question rule.
The problem is that gamely being open to questions is the same as foolishly exposing yourself to attack. Lets face it, the media hardly can claim innocence and objectivity in their motives and stories. This media has long been hostile to Mr. Harper. So he had to choose a side between the devil and the deep blue sea.
Pulling a fast one.
The Liberals have nothing to lose. They are desperate. Stuck at 20% in the polls. They will debate anyone at any time because it can't get any worse.
Watch what happens with the public back-lash on this one.
There was an attempt to move the Auditor's report on the fast track for release.
This is usually not done. However, for partisan reasons, the Liberals and Bloc tried to pull a fast one.
Here are some pertinent details:
Watch what happens with the public back-lash on this one.
There was an attempt to move the Auditor's report on the fast track for release.
This is usually not done. However, for partisan reasons, the Liberals and Bloc tried to pull a fast one.
Here are some pertinent details:
Canada's watergate
Not out of respect of parliament. This is what the opposition has been accusing the Conservatives for. First and foremost it is an affront to parliament. It is knowingly deceptive since it is reasonable to believe all involved knew the tentative nature of a draft. So now the Liberals are back to lying to Canada.
This is Canada's Watergate: Theft for partisan gain.
This is Canada's Watergate: Theft for partisan gain.
Monday, April 11, 2011
Security for Mr. Harper
I am profoundly befuddled by Canadians who see this as some Conservative plot/short-fall.
The security for president Obama makes this look like child's play. No one ever complains.
It's not the unpopular president who has been assassinated. Because that lunacy is hard to anticipate, sometimes the RCMP are just being careful.
@elbro I never read a comment in all caps, but immediately push the thumbs down button.
In case you didn't know, all-caps is the equivalent of yelling and screaming. Not the sort of behavior one expects in civilized debate.
The security for president Obama makes this look like child's play. No one ever complains.
It's not the unpopular president who has been assassinated. Because that lunacy is hard to anticipate, sometimes the RCMP are just being careful.
@elbro I never read a comment in all caps, but immediately push the thumbs down button.
In case you didn't know, all-caps is the equivalent of yelling and screaming. Not the sort of behavior one expects in civilized debate.
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Corporate taxes
Canadians have a choice: Do we want more wealth taxed at a lower rate, or less wealth taxed at a higher rate?
More wealth at a lower rate nets more than a higher tax will.
At 15% Canada is only starting to be competitive with its corporate tax regime. Ireland is at 12.5%. If you were a big wealthy company and could move your wealth to any country in the world, where would you move it?
The US is at 30% their recovery is stalled, business is leaving in droves and have racked up a deficit of 4 trillion dollars since Obama began his presidency. That is equivalent to a deficit of 400 billion dollars in Canada given our relative size to the US. 400 BILLION. If that were the case our total national debt right now would be almost double--at 1 Trillion dollars.
Carefully managing corporate taxation levels was a prudent plan put in place by the Liberals. We have been acting on their targets. Clearly the Liberals have abandoned their plan, but the Conservatives think it is a good plan for good reason. Canada is growing again. More people are employed now than before the recession. We have a reason to be bullish, being competitive with these rates will create more jobs and wealth than we could otherwise.
Finally, while it is true lower rates pull in big business into Canada, most corporations are mom and pop shops on our street corners. They get to pay taxes twice. Once as a corporation, and then again in income taxes. This move helps small business in Canada even more than big business.
More wealth at a lower rate nets more than a higher tax will.
At 15% Canada is only starting to be competitive with its corporate tax regime. Ireland is at 12.5%. If you were a big wealthy company and could move your wealth to any country in the world, where would you move it?
The US is at 30% their recovery is stalled, business is leaving in droves and have racked up a deficit of 4 trillion dollars since Obama began his presidency. That is equivalent to a deficit of 400 billion dollars in Canada given our relative size to the US. 400 BILLION. If that were the case our total national debt right now would be almost double--at 1 Trillion dollars.
Carefully managing corporate taxation levels was a prudent plan put in place by the Liberals. We have been acting on their targets. Clearly the Liberals have abandoned their plan, but the Conservatives think it is a good plan for good reason. Canada is growing again. More people are employed now than before the recession. We have a reason to be bullish, being competitive with these rates will create more jobs and wealth than we could otherwise.
Finally, while it is true lower rates pull in big business into Canada, most corporations are mom and pop shops on our street corners. They get to pay taxes twice. Once as a corporation, and then again in income taxes. This move helps small business in Canada even more than big business.
More F-35 tedium...
Well since we want honesty on this. We agreed to pay 6.8B for 65 planes. That is what we agreed to. The government also indicated they could see that number rising to 8.9B. Then it was asked to provide maintenance costs for the life of the plane (funny I don't add 20,000.00 maintenance to the sticker price of my car). So the number came in around 15B-16B. At that point the numbers are taking off, and since it appears any ol john can name a number it doubles every week. 30B this week, 60B next week. However, when all the dust is settled Canada agreed to purchase 65 jets for 6.8B, not 20, not 30 not 60. Somewhere between 6.8B and 60B, there is a walk away number. IF the numbers do look like 30B, Canada won't be walking away alone. Brittan and Norway and... will be leading the charge.
We aren't stupid. We pay no money until delivery in 2018, and we are under no obligation to stick with the deal if they monkey with the numbers.
We aren't stupid. We pay no money until delivery in 2018, and we are under no obligation to stick with the deal if they monkey with the numbers.
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
The F-18 has been a very good plane. 10 years ago, our highly skilled pilots could hold their own against other air-forces while war gaming (testing).
No more, a recent war-game had every one of our planes shot down before we could even see them. From now on our interceptors are vulnerable to any stealth based plane. So we can send them up there to "patrol" the arctic. But defend? Pitiful.
Joey Bloggins said:
The F-22, F-35, F-18E/F, Typhoon, Gripen and Rafale were ALL looked at. The F-22 was eliminated right away, because it would not be for sale to anyone other than the U.S. After analysis, the Gripen and Rafale were eliminated as not having any performance advantage over our current CF-18. A more extensive evaluation of the F-35, F-18E/F and Typhoon was conducted. The conclusion was that the F-35 is the only aircraft that meets the mandatory high level capabilities and the more specific operational requirements, and at the best cost with the best industrial opportunities. The same process was followed in the U.S., U.K., Australia, Denmark, Netherlands, Norway, Italy, and Turkey within the MOU. Israel is on board outside the MOU and Japan, South Korea and others are poised to follow suit.
No more, a recent war-game had every one of our planes shot down before we could even see them. From now on our interceptors are vulnerable to any stealth based plane. So we can send them up there to "patrol" the arctic. But defend? Pitiful.
Joey Bloggins said:
The F-22, F-35, F-18E/F, Typhoon, Gripen and Rafale were ALL looked at. The F-22 was eliminated right away, because it would not be for sale to anyone other than the U.S. After analysis, the Gripen and Rafale were eliminated as not having any performance advantage over our current CF-18. A more extensive evaluation of the F-35, F-18E/F and Typhoon was conducted. The conclusion was that the F-35 is the only aircraft that meets the mandatory high level capabilities and the more specific operational requirements, and at the best cost with the best industrial opportunities. The same process was followed in the U.S., U.K., Australia, Denmark, Netherlands, Norway, Italy, and Turkey within the MOU. Israel is on board outside the MOU and Japan, South Korea and others are poised to follow suit.
Planes won't go away.
I call them murderers for ordering our soldiers aboard the sea king. Every death after Chretien's fateful decision is laid at his feet.
Finally under Harper our troops are being equipped more appropriately. I mean they actually have desert camo for Afghanistan! And real armored transports! Our soldiers are no longer an embarrassment to the nation.
Today our F-18s patrol the skies in Libya under the sanction of the UN, but it was the stealth bombers and attack jets who went in first and cleared out radar and anti aircraft capabilities. We have none
Finally under Harper our troops are being equipped more appropriately. I mean they actually have desert camo for Afghanistan! And real armored transports! Our soldiers are no longer an embarrassment to the nation.
Today our F-18s patrol the skies in Libya under the sanction of the UN, but it was the stealth bombers and attack jets who went in first and cleared out radar and anti aircraft capabilities. We have none
Monday, April 4, 2011
The Canadian Debate is On!
We are in week 2 of the campaign. There are strategies afoot you and maybe I are unaware of.
With the Liberals swinging decidedly left it has been gobbling up NDP voters. Sadly they will be the true losers I am afraid.
There are some Con riding's that feel pretty safe. My MP won with 68% of the vote, for example.
I am sure there may be other riding's more concerning to the party. But it would be a mistake to say it falls all at the feet of Mr. Harper, or Party strategists. Ridings like mine are as concerned as anyone about strategic ridings. We would like to see more people participate in bringing in that Conservative majority in May. Why? Because of the issues. One could almost say Canada's escape from the greatest recession ever could almost be described as miraculous.
All parties wanted deficit spending stimulus then complained because of a deficit. To think that Canadians aren't smart enough to do the math... We have had exceptional economic leadership. Canadian spending last year came in 14B UNDER budget. We will make the deficit targets. Compare Canada's deficit to any of the Western economies, and we shine.
With the US at 4 Trillion now, Canada's deficit under a left wing government would not be 50B, it would be 350B. And now Iggy has ardently followed that path with an 8 billion dollar first step.
I can't help but wonder if families first would benefit most with an 8B dollar tax cut? Wealth redistribution has never been a Liberal strong suit. It would be only a matter of time before we would see envelopes stuffed with cash doing its same thing to our country.
With the Liberals swinging decidedly left it has been gobbling up NDP voters. Sadly they will be the true losers I am afraid.
There are some Con riding's that feel pretty safe. My MP won with 68% of the vote, for example.
I am sure there may be other riding's more concerning to the party. But it would be a mistake to say it falls all at the feet of Mr. Harper, or Party strategists. Ridings like mine are as concerned as anyone about strategic ridings. We would like to see more people participate in bringing in that Conservative majority in May. Why? Because of the issues. One could almost say Canada's escape from the greatest recession ever could almost be described as miraculous.
All parties wanted deficit spending stimulus then complained because of a deficit. To think that Canadians aren't smart enough to do the math... We have had exceptional economic leadership. Canadian spending last year came in 14B UNDER budget. We will make the deficit targets. Compare Canada's deficit to any of the Western economies, and we shine.
With the US at 4 Trillion now, Canada's deficit under a left wing government would not be 50B, it would be 350B. And now Iggy has ardently followed that path with an 8 billion dollar first step.
I can't help but wonder if families first would benefit most with an 8B dollar tax cut? Wealth redistribution has never been a Liberal strong suit. It would be only a matter of time before we would see envelopes stuffed with cash doing its same thing to our country.
Friday, April 1, 2011
Canadian International Standards, visa vis Amnesty International.
Saskatchewan Soul
7:48 AM on April 1, 2011
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Yes it is a major election issue for me too. And, for his faults, we all know Ignatieff is light years better than Harper on this stuff. Anybody dealing with international conflict or human rights knew Michael Ignatieff long before he became a politician.
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2:32 PM on April 1, 2011
@Sask Soul: Are you kidding me? Did you actually hear what Ignatief said post 9/11? Did you hear how he justified extraordinary rendition? Guantanamo?
Man, don't get lulled to sleep by inane ravings of thumbstickers.
Man, don't get lulled to sleep by inane ravings of thumbstickers.
What would Canada do if the UN, and Amnesty just went too far? And then went further? And Further? Rights are very special things. We don't give people rights, we recognise them. They exist before being put to paper. But what if we run out of rights to put to paper? A lot of people could be out of a job...
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