Monday, September 13, 2010

On Doctors Supporting a Gun Registry

Prairie Lady said:and the Medical Doctors, nurses etc... are on board for a gun registry.  Public workers not only police who deal with the horrific results of previously not having a registry are on board.

Horrific results?  Any more horrific people dismembered by a drunk driver?  Does it matter in this regard that the drunk's car was in  fact registered?  ER doctors get exposed to a lot of excruciating stuff, and we respect them for it.  But this issue is one that daunts even their intelligence I guess.

I am sure the list would be long what they want to ban...
from Marijuana to Heroin to Drunk Drivers, to incompetent ones.  From pill overdose to CO poisoning.  Lets keep everything in context

1 comment:

  1. Use it on somebody? Give me a break. What tripe. Maybe some of us are so deeply of the conviction that the registry violates our rights, we couldn't register as a matter of conscience. Few Canadians know we actually do have a right to bear arms. You will notice that the constitution is explicit in declaring that the document was not to take away any right or freedom in existence prior.
    The 1867 act adopted the brittish law, and legal tradition established before 1867. 1682 English Constitution recognizes the right to bear arms for defense. This right has a large body of legal and philosophical opinion on the matter. Canada may not recognize it right now, but that doesn't mean the right goes away.

    Read more:
