I think you have a point. Had the registry's defeat been secured, anti-registry people would not be as energized in the next campaign. However this defeat is the best solution politically.
1.2 million people own a registered gun. 1.2 million people had to go through screening. 1.2 million people have to pay annual fees on their guns to keep their registry current. 1.2 million gun owners can have their homes invaded by the police so their guns can be "inspected"--all without warrant. So the very act of registry annuls section 7&8 of the charter.
The 1.2 million voter's vote will be hard as steel. They will vote. (had the registry gone down they might not have). They will vote against the opposition parties en masse. 1.2 million votes represent 10% of the last election's voters.
All of that said, the registry represents only about 1/3 of the gun owners in canada. The 2/3s those of us equally opposed, will be voting as well. In the face of previously being law abiding, but now being outlaws, criminals, how do you think we will vote?
That means gross numbers could be as high as 30%. Especially given the fact that entire families of an outlaw are probably going to vote with him.
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