Monday, September 27, 2010

Flagherty Ragging

Bah humbug!! The ragging about deficit spending is so old, and so well answered, I wonder if there are bots on the boards. In case you haven't gotten out lately the last 2 years have been extremely challenging times.
50Billion in spending is peanuts. In the past 19 months Obama has racked up a 2.65 trillion dollar deficit.
If we were lock step with them as we often are, our defecit would be 265 billion, in stead of 50.

And yet there are these complainers to rag at this ad nauseum. Exceptional times call for exceptional measures. Why doesn't that get through to some people? Are they partisan shills? I mean if we are going to have a debate, score some innovative thought-provoking points---Not the same-old same-old stuff.
I am small c conservative, but its as plain as day that we needed to do this stimulus. The world was on the edge of a flipping depression for *od's sake. Does no one know the difference between a structural deficit and a stimulus deficit? Would you expect Canada to be the only country in the western world to hold back stimulus--it would be suicide. In fact, compared to the raging printing presses to the south, I am worried we didn't print enough money ourselves. The plummeting US dollar is to be expected, and they are going to pull our currency down with them, no matter what our interest rate, deficit, or budget. Deflation is happening, we just are not aware of it yet.

Canada has a plan to be back in a balanced budget in a couple years. That is extraordinary.
We stride the precipitous ridges, remarkably up right

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