Showing posts with label Fascism. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Fascism. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Active or Passive Environmentalists visa vis Parks.

Let me tell you, I am mad at Victoria for many reasons.

The least of which is the HST.

If Bill were not my MLA, I don't know what I would do next election. There is no way in Hades I would vote for the NDP, whatever the Liberals have done bad, they have done worse in the area of our current topic.

It was Barret who started this mess.

Cranbrook has taken a hit during this recession, forestry and lumber are dead. I think I can last till August before bankruptcy (no I am not a forester)... Its been the coal mines that have saved the economy of the East Kootenays ironically (no I don't work for Teck). The coal mines around Sparwood represent pretty much all the mining now.

I have a friend who is a biologist. He designed special retreat paths and verdant areas for wild life habit around that mine. And it has the best wildlife density in the area. He is credited with saving all the big horn sheep in the Rocky Mountain trench from extinction due to lung worm. Huge infection rate, with 100% mortality.

The eco-crazies objected to his interfering with nature. Survival of the fittest only works when there are no extinction events.

...Unless you want extinction events. As has pretty much happened to the Caribou in the area. They thought we had 20 last I heard. Take a look at the size of the geography here. But no one has ever done a mortality study. Especially not the eco nuts, because it doesn't play well with their fleecing of the unwitting. (1)

But anyone who actually lives in the mountains, knows that the grizzly & black bear populations (which has population numbers that haven't been higher since before the white man)--feed in their calving grounds. Oh but we wouldn't want that to get out. Remember the wolf cull in Fort Nelson? Too interventionist. David Spoofspooky and P@trik W@tson would get upset and say nasty things about you. But I was in those mountains 4 years later. All the animals were 4 years old or less. The Caribou were abundant to the point of being a nuisance.

Take a look at the size of the geography here. No one has ever done a mortality study. Not the eco nuts, because it doesn't play well with their fleecing of the unwitting. and Governments do no better... they would rather spend your money on more parks it seems rather than being a part of a solution.

Not only the ungulates but the entire food chain from martin, to beaver, all the way through the predator chains including grizzly bears, black bears and yes even a healthy wolf population.

Now after this rant you probably would stone me if I say I am an environmentalist. In the day we could nuke the world and destroy the planet, we need to understand we rule this world, AND not deny it. We are the pinnacle of the food chain, and pretty much exclusively have the ability to control our predation. That's the rub. I call for environmental stewardship. Not this head in the sand eastern religious, neo-Buddhist nonsense, live and let live. After all, we might come back as a flower, or plant or animal... sic

We can't do that. Because unless we are active in the ecological balance of this planet, then we are going to see extinctions as its happening now.

Parks deny this sort of intervention even if it's necessary. Worse, parks never realize that where we are we change it by our very being there. Even if we put a border around it.

1)I have good friends who are religious, just keep religion out of science-especially environmental science. Get a hold of a good philosophy book and learn how to spot the fraudsters who never admit what presuppositions drive them.

Read more:

The Second Post visa vis Bill Bennets comments.


6:41 PM on July 14, 2010

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to SilverSliver77: sounds like you and Bill belong to the same fan club: unclear but exceptionally determined.

Sweeping aside reasonable environmental controls might be good for your personal enterprise but not necessarily good for BC's long term future.

We'd like to stop people like you and Bill from trampling down our future.


Reasonable environmental controls was never the reason I wrote this. I wish you would read those posts again. Reasonable environmental controls are waaay different than another federal park. Which if you want to add reason to the equation are an eco-disaster.

No we just want the radical eco-agenda'd kooks to leave us alone out here. I wouldn't trade my peace and quiet for the thousands maybe millions of visitors a National Park brings to the area.

I take serious offense to that last comment. That was uncalled for. Never did I think fascist applied to you in this discussion. As reasonable people there was a discussion on reasonable grounds.
How dare you say I am trampling down your future?

People who don't like politicians because they don't tell the truth, get someone like Bill who is a straight shooter don't like it. You can't have it both ways Joe public. Unless you live out here you have nothing to say to me. The management profile and environmental standards are the highest in t

in the world. Over 38% of the land out here is tied up in parks of various sorts. Its getting ridiculous.

And finally, Jim, I have never called you down even though I debated with you. But when a person in a debate resorts to personal insults everyone knows they have lost. Because they have no logic left