Showing posts with label Conservatives. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Conservatives. Show all posts

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Another mindless use of the term Fascism.

Sigh: "His Fascist Ministerial regime in the meantime, has done EVERYTHING in their collective power thus far to restrict Access to Information requests... I won't even go into your lovely hand book on How to Obstruct Parliamentary Committees, or the issuance of MEPs..."

Don't you hate it when people throw around words they have no idea the meaning of?

Fascists are state-ists, not free-trade, globalists. Fascist government is government by the military not people elected to Parliament. Fascists are opposed to modernity, they don't buy F-35s on the bleeding edge of modernity in fighter jets. Fascists believe in state socialism, not free markets. Fascists are as anti Conservative as they are anti Liberal. Paxton says:"a form of political behavior marked by obsessive preoccupation with community decline, humiliation or victimhood and by compensatory cults of unity, energy and purity, in which a mass-based party of committed nationalist militants."
I hardly see this applying in any way to the Conservatives.

I just wish people who throw around labels, which at the beginning had shock-power in the ears of the uneducated, but now become tired slogans and the constant braying of nonsense, I wish these people would go to school, or at least learn how to use a dictionary. Sadly, terms like "fascism" which once had meaning now have little to no meaning at all: Little more than any other colloquialism one might find in the gutter of the English language.