Monday, April 13, 2015

A State of Canadian Politics

Ideals compared to reality on the ground. A few interesting points. The conservative party was constrained by a minority parliament, then after an election and winning a majority, by the senate stacked with Liberals. So, gradually he began appointing senators so that they held a majority in both houses. This is necessary to advance the Government agenda. Because when the opposition holds a majority a bill suddenly becomes needing "extra thought" in a stall tactic that goes back to confederation.  If you want to get anything done, you stack the senate. 

However at this point, Harper's senate reform was to promise to appoint any Senator elected democratically. This was first tried by Brian Mulroney. Who appointed one senator elected in Alberta. Mr. Harper has appointed 4. This could have been an amazing reform had it caught on. It required the cooperation of the provinces. No other PM in history had tried so hard to bring senate reform. 

 To do any more than this requires a constitutional change. Which many Canadians do not appreciate is an enormous nightmare. Once the constitution is opened up, everyone will want to table some change or other to every other part of the constitution. After Meech Lake, no politician wants to spend that much political capital, BC for example would want more seats. (Where PEI has one seat per <35 a="" among="" an="" are="" banished="" bc="" be="" belief="" can="" cannot="" deceived="" deceiving.="" doing="" done="" either="" ever.="" example="" fairytale="" fell="" for="" has="" is="" it="" myriad="" nbsp="" of="" one="" only="" or="" others.="" people="" per="" problem="" realize="" reflection="" seat="" senate="" so="" some="" span="" suggest="" swoop="" that="" the="" there="" they="" this="" those="" while="" who="" with="">

Finally the Duffy thing. Using the old format of making senate positions political appointees, here we see an example of where that can go wrong. At the time of his appointment most pundits thought his appointment was a stroke of genius. Mr Duffy's and Pamela Wallen's status as well educated media personnel, opened perhaps for the first time, senate appointments from the 5th estate. It marked an advance for a perceived stodgy old house to the 21st century. The discovery of his alleged wrong doing left him kicked out of the party. And now he is having his day in court.

It remains to be seen how much goop will stick to the Prime Minister. This is the problem with appointed senators. The prime minister is perpetually tied to the decision. In the Case of the Liberals, there were so many bug bears under their bed, Trudeau dissolved the Liberal caucus all together in the hope non of the goop would stick to him. It remains to be seen how effective a strategy that is. Currently, Mr. Harper has stopped appointing senators. There are 18 vacancies with no indications of any of those seats being filled with an election coming up...

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