Re: Canadian Political Foment
Crisis! Polls indicate a rejection of Mr. Mulcair by the majority of Canadians.
The current meta narrative is a fairy tale. The 5th Estate's story goes like this: 1) Mr. Harper is the devil, and his cronies the demons of hell.. Therefore anything goes to send him back there. 2) Mr. Harper puts out attack ads, but won't give us a story (Because he knows the 5th estate believes point #1). 3) "The medium is the message." The story--what ever it is becomes the truth. Spin be damned so long as it accomplishes the defeat of point #1. 4) Journalists project their own insecurities. The authority of their written word is undermined by a Prime-minister who won't dance to their tune. Clearly Canadians are having a crisis of faith in the political system of the pundits assertions, so the unconscious reflex is to create a crisis of faith in the government of Canada. If they can make Canadians believers it would assuage one's guilty conscience. It is called transference to project one's belief one's anxiety onto others. This compulsion is indicative of the anxiety of the scribal class. 5) Mr. Mulcair is the saviour of the left: Hearken ye one and all for this man is unblemished and perfect! He is the man to save us from proposition #1!
Of this there are believers and sceptics.
It is disconcerting after all the efforts of the media to convert Canadians into leftists. The polls show Canadians don't buy the narrative. So what ever could be the problem? Surely not their glowing reviews of Mr. Mulcair.
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