A view on Global Warming, and Ice bergs. A 1st person perspective:
About the ice bergs that float, we were once again taught by some
hunters from Cape Dorset as well as their elders taught us more about
ice bergs as we encountered much of ice bergs all month of August.
Elders shared that ice bergs are known by Inuit as "Ijjuriktaqtut" which
means the ice berg itself seems to have a life of it's own and will
make anything or humans fall in the water. Ice bergs don't like to have
anything on top of them, even though when it is massive in size it will
make itself tip over and wobble until whatever that went on top or side
falls off into the water. It is because the glaciers are de-ionized for
thousands and thousands of years, the fresh water ice is so extremely
compacted and frozen for so many years when it falls off the glacier and
become an ice berg it is far more heavier than multi year ice but
behaves completely different that regular ice in the arctic sea. It is
very bright white and beautiful blue in color all the way into the core
and always fresh water once it lands on the shore but they are the most
unstable ice in the north. Because they are so de-ionized once there is a
slight breeze the ice berg will start to move very quickly and will be
blown away plus through the currents carried away and they move very
fast as if powered like a boat. We are often told never to get on top of
ice bergs as it will suddenly wobble back and forth very quickly and
can over turn itself as soon as it feels the weight on it or around it.
My parents also used to tell us never to pour water near the ice berg in
winter or spring when an iceberg is ground for the winter as when one
pours water the iceberg will crack in thousand pieces and smash down
with tons of ice all around and are known to be very dangerous and yet
so beautiful and majestic to the eyes:) Anyway, just sharing what I
learned from my parents and elders up here:)
By my friend Sara Nangmalik
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