Thursday, June 7, 2012

Stats from trader chat...

 Its like nibbling the cheeze knowing the mouse trap could snap at any time...    
faber7vo 9:43 am: The solution, which is becoming more painful by the year and the decade, since 1980, is to purge the illuminati of their global economic powers and strangeholds,
which basically can't happen without a global war, after that, US healthcare can be successfully reeled in a big pharma is out of the way, then you whack all entitlements 100%, and
significantly cut all other parts of the US budget.  Easy enough    
OwenA 9:43 am:    
OwenA 9:44 am: What % of the federal budget goes to the military?
faber7vo 9:45 am: off the top of my head, I thought it was 900B of the 3.5T pie, oh, and there is no 'budget' silly, CBO hasn't issued one for a couple of years.
faber7vo 9:46 am: "External debt: $14.71 trillion (30 June 2011)  $13.98 trillion (30 June 2010)  Approximately 4/5ths of US external debt is denominated in US dollars; foreign lenders
have been willing to hold US dollar denominated debt instruments because they view the dollar as the world's reserve currency"
OwenA 9:46 am: ha right...

With unemployment still quite high and the outlook for inflation subdued, and in the presence of significant downside risks to the outlook posed by strains in global financial markets, the FOMC has continued to maintain a highly accommodative stance of monetary policy

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