Saturday, March 17, 2012

Please allow me to point out 100% of Canada's eligible voters contribute to a federal election:  38% vote Conservative, 28 each for the NDP and Libs, a few vote for the PQ and Green parties.
But the largest voting block are the voters who stay home.  That group exercises it's constitutional right.  However, we in the poverty of our education have not been taught the most important fact about abstaining:  An abstaining vote is a vote for the majority.  That is a fundamental democratic principal that no one is willing to talk about.  Most Canadians have never thought about that, and we as a society haven't bothered to teach them.  Ironically, those who foam at the mouth the most about majority governments are most likely the same ones who have ingrained antipathy in those who stay home.  We teach it in our schools, we support it in our media, but take no responsibility for it at the ballot box.

 I pose the question: **Could** this have been done by the NDP?  It is rather odd that these Robo-calls be centered in bastions of Conservative support.  Everyone does polling, few ridings were surprises to either side, except perhaps the NDP's surprise wins in Quebec. Liberals and NDP knew those ridings were solidly conservative, so who had anything to gain by this?  I wouldn't be surprised to find that the trail of Pierre Poutine leads to an NDP dirty tricks squad.  One has to admit they are pretty much the only ones to benefit from this--I know, this used to be the kind of thing the Liberals were good at with the brat pack, but might be difficult with 3rd party status and millions in debt...  Suppose this was Conservative.  How could they expect to benefit, since things like this inevitably come to light?  Even if they thought the would get away with a conspiracy on this, in the end there were no political points to win.  A huge swing in Guelph wouldn't have made any difference to the outcome everyone's polling had indicated.  Nor would a few hundred votes matter to the Conservative victory.  No, it doesn't make any sense for it to be a Conservative conspiracy, but an NDP or Liberal dirty trick squad could mine this for years... even if in the end this was a fabrication.

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