Perceptions. This is a game of perceptions. 2l/1000 km is the established rate of pipeline leaking risk, with ruptures included. There is more oil leaked onto public highways per kilometer per day.
Perceptions. Ever go to Google earth and try to find the oil-sands? You might be surprised how difficult it is. Because we have the perception that the big oil companies are tearing up northern Alberta to mine that "dirty oil". Why is it we have that perception? I had to see for my self.
I suggest you check it.
Perceptions, all about perceptions. We perceive that instead of Canadian oil sands oil, that oil should come somewhere else. We westerners like to pee in other nation's pool. Ever see Nigeria's coast line? We have dirty oil? See its all about perceptions. We cannot perceive that Canada's environmental standards make the oil sands far cleaner than many alternatives. Because we aren't told all the facts, we sometimes perceive things differently than they actually are.
Read more: Fairly unbiased, with a plethora of information that either side could use. The average ending in 2007, (dated by publication not arbitrary selection) was 27.11 barrels leaked per billion miles according to this assessment. Urban run-off contributes 10 times more oil pollution period. And oil seeps from natural sources are 5.81 times greater than all human oil spill from all sources combined. Or, 14,631.159 times more than spills in gross barrels from all the pipelines in the US