Monday, December 5, 2011

Canada's voting. Majority at 39%?

Keegan Dane:

lots of the usual harper-bashing.

lifelong liberal here (and that's 'liberal' as in personal socialist persuasion, not 'liberal' as in Liberal Party of Canada: whither the party of Pearson and Trudeau?), and i'm the last to defend Mr. Harper, his philosophy, or his style. but let's be fair.

we have the system we have and he's our democratically elected majority leader. from there we can participate in changing the fact by voting - and voting as a MINIMUM standard - or do what 1/3 of us, 8million of us, did last election and stay home (except maybe complain post-fact in cbc forae).

get out and organise! and change THIS fact:

2011 voter turnout: 61% (from 24million eligible voters)
conservative share of that turnout: 39%

and that means that less than 6million from a total population of 31+million ceded the levers of power, the federal pursestrings, and the dais in Durban to the conservative party of canada and the vision of Steven Harper and a small group (perhaps a couple of dozen) of individuals.

that's my fault, and yours, not Harper's.

What needs to be taught to children and what should give cause to listen, adults, is that when we decide not to vote, we are saying we are in support of the will of the majority.   Those that vote, an abstainer backs.

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