""Can someone clarify this for me, isn't drug use illegal? It’s
ok if it’s supervised. What moron thought that made sense. What’s next,
legalized rape as long as someone watches. Can’t believe how stupid some people
can be. You want to help the problem, arrest everyone that shows up at these
clinic to do illegal drugs. Their habits will die in prison. This is just one step towards chaos. Crime should be punished not encouraged. GC you suck.""
Suicide is illegal. In fact it is the only criminal act that the perpetrator will get away with 100% of the time. As a society, we could stand back and say: "have at er"--if you are stupid enough to do that then tough.
However, by developing a treatment model, and developing a drug regime that restores chemical balances in the brain, we have saved thousands of lives. Thousands of kids grow up with both their mom and dad, instead of with one of them. Thousands of people are set free from profound disabilities like depression, and hold down professional jobs where ever you look. Thier families do not grow up in poverty, their families don't have to cope with the burden & pain suicide places on them. And *most importantly (sic) they pay taxes. Money you would have to pay because the other guys are missing.
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