- Edit Alethia said...
- Pseudoscience is a specter that looms over science today. It can be found in various disciplines from climate to particle physics. It tends to happen when science is swayed by political advantage, or influenced by profitable conclusions. It seems to me this necessitates a broad-ranged discussion about science, and how we teach it today. In some areas the lack of rigor is pathetic, while in others great care is taken before disclosure. This is found where a rush to judgement occurs against a dearth of solid facts. Instead of jumping headlong to conclusions, a prudent scientist is patient to see all the facts before he concludes the validity of the theory. History is unkind to those foolish enough make claims without sufficient evidence. Never is this more true than in this discovery. It is a black box experiment which accordingly must be bracketed by caveat. Irrespective of the conclusions of either side, there stands this question: The science is either valid or it isn't valid. Without opening the black box, this is the stark reality. Indirect scrutiny clearly provides interesting questions but cannot answer them. I look forward to seeing the Rossi device in operation; and in dissection. Followed by a theory that shows itself unfalsifiable. Pseudo science jumps to conclusions. Real science quietly collects the data, patiently assuring that it is all in before a conclusion is drawn. --Rather unsatisfying for the instantanaity the world is looking for, but avoids playing to the audience for cheers and jeers without hard evidence.
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