- Hey dad you awake
- Well don't worry about it, i think i'm gonna go do my part for the christian race. (we are a race, we are the chosen race, we are the race that doesn't descriminate, for descrimination is what causes judgement, and judgement leads to pretty much everything jesus wasn't about
- little bit of truth for the moment
- Tell me if i'm wrong
- Please
- lets discuss this
- 5 hours agoSent from ChatJosh Abrey
- i want to call, but you'r not here
- so i'm going to go enjoy the morning with my longboard, buy a couple coffees for the homeless people in my neighbourhood, and bring my pouch of tobacco. Why do I do this? Because i've woken up not knowing where i was, hungry, cold, and in need of something (a cigarette) and there was no one around to help me
- 4 hours agoSent from ChatJosh Abrey
- THis is JESUS
- I DONT CARE What you call it
- being nice to people is what i wanna do from now on
- I've begun to start the answer to every thought LITERALLLLLY WWJD
- This is something real dad
- I've found it
- I love you and mom for ministering to me... even when i thought you thought i was in my "worldly tongue" a fuck up, you helped me out. Even when i was finding myself 3 years after i've left home, when i was just down and out, and feeling just out of luck, you loved me... When i thought there was no other way
- 4 hours agoSent from ChatJosh Abrey
- When i've been in the situations where i don't have ANYTHING... I have this little voice when you just looked at me as a child, and said, "Joshie... I love you"
- And it all the sudden was like, Well at least i got my parents
- (this whole next part is a rabbit trail, i love the ability to go back and sort my thoughts before i hit the enter key)Because i've been through some really tough stuff these last couple months with my buddy jared, (Its not even funny how much this guy wants what i have to offer) and he's in a situation similar actually to Mum's, except his dad didn't remarry. (rabbit trail). The only reason why he hangs out with me is because i'm a good guy and he's tired of truthless people. He's basically told me this but i'm also reading into it a bit because i've gotten to know him for the last 2 to 3 years
- 4 hours agoSent from ChatJosh Abrey
- (/rabbit trail)
- (still in one rabbit trail "bracket If you will, because i've learned that the way i talk/think is like solving mathematical equations, where words replace numbers as variables in my head (learning to program is learning how to teach on the most basic level very interesting sidenote as well... I need to focus. Rabbit trails are like when you devide 2 by 3. and OMG I JUST FIGURED OUT WHAT 666 is all about!!!
- 4 hours agoSent from ChatJosh Abrey
- or is it just a coincidence
- That being stuck in your brain, and FAIL to verbalize your opinions, or thoughts on the matter? is this where evil starts? when people stop thinking in the now and start thinking about what they could do later?
- Because if you're always thinking about the future
- Omg
- Dad
- i think im onto something
- i need to keep a journal
- because just writing down my thoughts mights just save the world
- watch the movie 23 again, think about what i just said with the whole 666 thing
- 23 is 666 because if you let a number govern how you live your life, then you will be come evil
- Think... why are crazy people crazy? because they've started to say exactly what they're thinking all the time
- So maybe they're just crazy because we tell them they're crazy
- Maybe we need to teach them to not be crazy
- instead of just pumping them full of drugs
- Hey kids, you're already f*cked in the head? Try some LSD, its the new drug of the future
- I've tried it dad
- I think you have too
- ITs pretty amazing
- Felt spiritiual
- made me realize that there is something out there... sucks i had to look for a synthetic version to find out that what i had when i was a kid was pretty much 50,000 times better than any drug WE can make
- which is why i still think pot isnt bad
- its against the rules of our society so i shouldn't smoke it
- But its ok with so many people that if i were to stop, i'd be closing so many doors to reach out
- Wanna know something, I believe in pot... I've learned what it can be USED for, and i've learned what it can be ABUSED for, and i've abused it long enough. I used to say, Oh i only smoke when my friends do.
- Well my friends all smoke pot
- and Jared, bless his heart, likes to smoke alot
- so i've felt that in order to be cool, and be able to reach out to him i had to bong toke like him... So i learned to abuse it basically off the get.
- I had a turning point when i started selling pot
- Yep
- i'm admitting to that
- I sold/sell (let me get to the point)
- sell weed
- I was really nice to my first ever dealer... I showed him unconditional love, before i forgot what that was due to drug abuse
- and he saw that, and when i stopped calling him when i didn't have money he asked why
- And i told him straight up i missed hanging with him
- And i wanted to see more of him
- and the next time he came back to deli a bag for jared he basically offered me a job
- When i had NOTHING
- God handed me a gift, it was a dirty gift, and i felt TERRIBLE
- for taking it
- but i did
- and i'm glad i did
- because i wouln't have learned what i've learned about people
- learnt learned... how do i write it the right way
- if i didn't take the job for the beggars and thieves
- I didn't stop there, i sold for a bit, then things stopped going my way as when the one thing i was able to be generous with dwindled, i would get chincy. I'd start cutting corners, hoping they wouldnt realize the bag was smaller this time than last time. Instead of JUST LETTING THEM KNOW, that i was in a hard spot, and that's the reason i was dealing was because of that
- 4 hours agoSent from ChatJosh Abrey
- I am still in a hardspot, so i cannot drop it now, its something that i plan to stop doing, but its also something that if i'm going to continue to do, i'm going A) do it smart
- b) I never push it on people, but that used to be rule "A" so yeah.
- sell it generously
- is (c)
- Premium petroleum, for instance is expensive for the reasons it is, Lets say the price of Crude Oil is 190 a barrel. they go down accordingly depending on the octane, but if you are brave you can run your car off of the oil drippings you find at gas stations for when you have oil to dump, but you gotta do a little bit of refining yourself, to turn it into the golden end product you search.
- 4 hours agoSent from ChatJosh Abrey
- search for*
- So basically the guy that got me started we've been through a lot together, and we talk, he was a major part of my walk back to faith, because we actually were able to connect and talk about similar goals over a bowl of weed, we connected, and as his business has come to fruition, he's been able to see me less and less. so when he sees me he likes to leave little things that i think he has learned (because he's got a good head on his shoulders regardless of the bad decisions he's made) to challenge me
- 4 hours agoSent from ChatJosh Abrey
- I still have yet to go to the gym with him
- but he's the guy that i wanna do it with when i have the money
- Because i watched him go from my old size
- to just JACKED
- because he was tired of the way things ere
- were
- I love just talking dad
- I've learned this
- this is why i loved working for stapl;es
- I stopped working for the source because they're ok with their employees leaving the store without giving a crap that you sold crappy product to ALOT of people
- Cellphones are USELESS
- you're right
- Why would i want to be bothered when i'm out trying to get away from the phone
- We got by without knowing what Tina morina and joe blow were doing exactly that second, we learned to just tell them about it later
- And i found facebook causes me to think that i have a social life
- even if my social life is on facebook
- I don't have a social life till i go out and start fellowshipping
- and i think the reason i fear fellowship at the church is because i've found the same kinda friendship in the crappies people in the world
- like who?
- This guy i had bashed into my skull in a REAL way as a kid
- that i had to turn my back on so i could figure out what sin truly was, and what it TRULY was to feel sorry for what you did
- Like you just fucked EVERYTHING up
- and someone STILL LOVES YOU
- my mum and dad
- Jared, this guy who i smoked pot with for the last 3 years (love him) didnt have a mum after 12, and because his dad didn't know how to deal with it either he didn't really have a dad. Harley's dad just walked out on him
- And these people are ANGRY PEOPLE
- they don't know how to love unconditionally]
- I will show them
- That guy eric guy that you told me to reach out to a month or 2 ago
- I'm going to
- and i'm not going to church
- because i already know the stories and the tails
- and the morals
- and the ethics
- i just need to applly them to MY LIFE
- Even in video games i basically just show good sportsman ship
- You know what happens?
- Our team starts to win
- FOr instance
- Last game, our was to the point where the other team was telling us good game
- And i was dead, so the only thing i could do to help me team out was be a moral booster
- Literally this is what i said
- What did i get back from my team members?
- 3 hours agoSent from ChatJosh Abrey
- 3 hours agoSent from ChatJosh Abrey
- Hyugh~!
- H
- its the fact that even though everyone knows we're fucked
- someone's still got hope
- 3 hours agoSent from ChatJosh Abrey
- and that's exactlly what god is to me
- Hope
- God, god Gawd jesus jehovah whatever you wanna call him
- the thing that makes everything just work
- i've learned also just DON'T PUIT GOD IN A BOX
- He's not some guy in a cloud
- as an artist, i could draw him some other way
- and in fact when i feel inspired to do so, i intend to
- so people can start thinking about him perhaps the way i do'
- which is just a tad different that what the tv tells the world
- Because the reason why people laugh at ANYTHING is because they find truth in it, and learn to relate
- I've thought about becoming a pastor... I wish you were up so i could just rant with my voice
- but this will come
- If i could get my dad anything for his birthday it would be to have him know for REAL that i'm doing this for real
- So i'm heading out to the people in my neighbourhood
- the people that don't have the bed that i have
- and i'm gonna let them wake up right
- Without feeling like they want something
- A drink tray holds 4 cups why? So you have enough coffees for yourself and 3 buddies, whoever they might be
- So i'ma go see if i can make some new friends
- and love them to death
- because if i don't WHO THE FUCK WILL!!
- I choose to use profanity because i'm so ANGRY
- that no one has been documented for just doing the right thing... what if the news stands had pics of a guy just doing what i did?
- doing what i did
- already speaking in the future
- Jeeze
- i'm retarded
- I feel enlightened until i turn on my brain
- When i speak from the soul only truth comes out
- so i'm learning to do that
- Its also helping me be more interesting
- and girls like me more
- basically i can't find a good reason not to keep doing what i'm doing
- and i'm not gonna let people get me down on what i'm doing
- and if i can do that
- I might just have the power to change people for the better
- 2 hours agoSent from ChatOwen Abrey
- Wow Joshie, that was what I call "pouring out your heart". I want you to know I am proud to call you my son. And I am praying for you.
- I am going to record this so I have a more permanent record of it.
- about an hour agoSent from ChatJosh Abrey
- WWJD... Went outside, was gonna bring my tobacco down and show compassion to come homeless people, and instead i found crows... I can remember depictions of Jesus with like doves and sheep and stuff around him... Artist depictions yes, possibly a dream someone had, but if jesus could do it i can too... he's basically my new role model
- about an hour agoSent from ChatJosh Abrey
- OJ showed me what it was to have someone to look up to
- Showed me also that my little brother jordan is looking up to me in the same regard
- s
- And i think that if i am able to show him how this book he recommended to me helped me understand God, i can get him into this feeling of "enlightenment" i'm feeling
- You know really why i didn't kick my roommate out when he beat me up?
- God needed him to teach me more
- He's rough... pure native and if you know any natives you know how stubborn and in their ways they are...
- he actually understands what i'm going through moreso than jared
- Because Harley at least has his culture which he believes in
- The circle of life
- Which is a great way to live, i have no idea why any white man told them to do differently
- Well i do
- But yeah
- about an hour agoSent from ChatOwen Abrey
- I know you have been learning mega lessons...
- about an hour agoSent from ChatJosh Abrey
- I've come to learn that it's not what you believe its that you believe in it, and wholeheartedly
- I was putting god in a box
- Because its the same box everyone seems to be able to get him into
- and i won't stand for it
- When i think of God, you know what i think of?:
- Fractals in nature
- about an hour agoSent from ChatJosh Abrey
- The rams horn
- the konch shell
- the spiral of the galaxy
- about an hour agoSent from ChatOwen Abrey
- haha
- Just posted a fractal last night
- yep I am with you
- about an hour agoSent from ChatJosh Abrey
- I use pot NOW not because it makes the bad feelings go away (it does do that too) but because it allows me to fully think out whole thoughts
- And eventually i plan to not have to use it
- about an hour agoSent from ChatOwen Abrey
- All I have to do is look at the beauty of space and God is all over it
- about an hour agoSent from ChatJosh Abrey
- like you
- You know what i was doing the morning before my epiphany?
- about an hour agoSent from ChatOwen Abrey
- can't recall...
- about an hour agoSent from ChatJosh Abrey
- Stairing directly into the stars in complete awe. Synthetic awe, given to me for doing something i saw as sinful before
- And i do see at as sinful still
- the action of doing it
- You shouldnt seek out truth by doing something false
- Going against the law and buying illegal drugs
- I'm not to say that they shouldn't be in our system, its good that these things are illegal, but i was using them when i had my epiphany
- about an hour agoSent from ChatOwen Abrey
- Drugs can be pretty hard on the bod
- about an hour agoSent from ChatJosh Abrey
- and i've been clean since
- Body is a temple
- if i want God to live in my Body i want it to be room for just him
- So i don't have to have something to be able to hang out with him basically
- about an hour agoSent from ChatOwen Abrey
- right on joshy
- I think God is showing you stuff, I couldn't teach in a month of Sundays
- about an hour agoSent from ChatJosh Abrey
- and i've found out how exactly... you worship god with everything you do, because if you were to truly love him, you'd want to do everything he did for you to others
- :)
- Thanks
- I'm past church
- I loved hearing you talk growing up
- about an hour agoSent from ChatOwen Abrey
- You need it for a different reason...
- about an hour agoSent from ChatJosh Abrey
- I believe that you taught me how to talk, but i didn't know how to use it when i wanted to
- it was like a great skill i had but was too shy to open my mouth to use
- It feels like i was deaf LITERALLY (i believe in miracles now) and now i can hear
- about an hour agoSent from ChatOwen Abrey
- I have noticed you really flourish when you are speaking to people.
- about an hour agoSent from ChatJosh Abrey
- i've literally been slain in the spirit talking with my friends with such passion to the point where they've seen me cry for the first time
- Harley had seen me cry before and it was when he beat me up
- about an hour agoSent from ChatOwen Abrey
- I have been right where you are...
- about an hour agoSent from ChatJosh Abrey
- I forgive him
- 100%
- He forgave me and showed me how he wanted to actually treat me, hadn't he been drunk
- 2 months he smoked me up when i wanted tokes, and he fed me, and he spotted me for rent
- Because i didn't let it go away... i needed him to know that it wasn't ok that he beat me up
- and he felt bad
- And it was cruel of me to humiliate him infront of his entire industry
- we're in the same course
- But still
- Love the guy
- about an hour agoSent from ChatOwen Abrey
- God's grace is a deep thing. He forgave us so much and took the beating we should have got so we didn't have to ...
- about an hour agoSent from ChatJosh Abrey
- and dad i have to tell you something that really made a HUGE impact on my life and i actually felt anger about before i forgave you. Remember Ryan Doggart when i was like 4 living at the first house in Cranbroook
- about an hour agoSent from ChatOwen Abrey
- So where is he living now?
- about an hour agoSent from ChatJosh Abrey
- surrey]
- with his girlfriend
- who after you hear her story is a strong girl
- and thats why he loves her
- LOVES her... he explains it as love at first site
- about an hour agoSent from ChatOwen Abrey
- right on... have you been able to pay harley back for the rent/food he gave you?
- about an hour agoSent from ChatJosh Abrey
- Harley understands me like an older brother...
- He's 25
- almost oj's age
- about an hour agoSent from ChatJosh Abrey
- but he didn't have a dad
- so he's still got alot to learn
- about an hour agoSent from ChatOwen Abrey
- Its good he has you then Josh
- Have you been up all night?
- about an hour agoSent from ChatJosh Abrey
- Again
- I can't sleep till i have helped enough people
- its a good way to live
- Always be on the ready
- about an hour agoSent from ChatOwen Abrey
- hmm not sleeping is not good
- about an hour agoSent from ChatJosh Abrey
- I understand that dad, but it's jared's birthday today and i wanted to suprise him with his bike fixed when he woke up
- (just got a new bike, he fails at putting breaks on
- )
- about an hour agoSent from ChatOwen Abrey
- how many nights have you been up in a row?
- about an hour agoSent from ChatJosh Abrey
- i stay up for roughly 36 hours until i'm sleepy then i nap for about 10 to 12 hours, then i'm up for another 36... I think i've personally developed DSPD due to the harsh mind reprogramming to finish assignments on time
- Delayed sleeps pattern syndrome
- about an hour agoSent from ChatOwen Abrey
- dspd?
- hmm
- so long as this isn't manic depressive
- about an hour agoSent from ChatJosh Abrey
- Its basically when the circadian cycle that effects all life on this earth is changed due to trauma
- my trauma was, "crap i wasn't in the now cuz i smoked too much pot, and now i my final's due tomorrow and i haven't started it and the other kids have been working on it for 3 weeks and i have tonight, omg how am i gonna pass the class
- and then passing the class
- but staying up for 3 - 4 days to get it done
- That's how i started getting A's this term
- I lied to you guys straight up last quarter if i at all said i was doing good in my classes
- i was excited about them
- but i was the worst student in my production class
- that might be just saying i have an awesome production class (which i do i've compared to others students stuck in other productions and mine was the best organized team)
- The thing is, is i clutched
- about an hour agoSent from ChatOwen Abrey
- clutched?
- about an hour agoSent from ChatJosh Abrey
- I had a minor epiphany end of last quarter
- Clutch is in a video game, when there is like 1000 000 things going on, and you're able to get into the now 100% and press the perfect button combination at the perfect time to beat your opponent
- Ever been PvPing in WoW and thought you had a guy and then BAM
- you died?
- Clutch
- about an hour agoSent from ChatOwen Abrey
- ah i c
- don't pvp much but gotcha
- so you hit the ball out of the park last quarter?
- about an hour agoSent from ChatJosh Abrey
- Ummm, no
- But i went from having my ship (the only asset i had done from the previous quarter) and about 7 good ideas i had started on, and turned them into fully modeled textured normal mapped shined assets in the matter of a week
- So i showed my team how to dog it
- i was the person to learn from
- but i still tried really hard
- people were just already better at doing homework than me
- and i hate homework
- its just the name
- even if its fun
- i just will automatically put it off if i call it that
- So i started to look at it, how i talked about it
- I could talk the pants up about my game
- but i'm already good at selling things
- I'm beginning to realize it might be a way to be a fisher of men
- Just keep dropping evidence on peoples doorstep till its stupid obvious the answer
- Basically i learned how to be a christian as a kid
- but what i was taught as a kid didn't work anymore
- so i upgraded
- i am a man so i put away childish things
- but i will always have 1 thing from my childhood
- my imagination
- It's what i chose to base my career on
- about an hour agoSent from ChatJosh Abrey
- because it makes me feel this glow inside me
- that i know now to be god
- What ever god is or whoever
- or whatever it is i don't care anymore, it's good, and if god is good ia want to be like god
- its just like way to simple to even understand
- i tried life without the guide book for like 3 years and it sucked
- the walkthrough was in front of me but to this day, if i pick up a game, i'm not gonna go read the guide
- Playing league of legends taught me that sometimes someone has it figured out better than you, and you should copy them to get ahead
- and then make your own changes to make that work for you
- about an hour agoSent from ChatOwen Abrey
- joshy my puter hung and I lost you for the past 10 min, repost?
- but I got some of this...
- about an hour agoSent from ChatJosh Abrey
- if you go to your messages icon top right
- it should be in there
- Facebook doesn't forget anything
- about an hour agoSent from ChatOwen Abrey
- Its cool you got the picture of God is good...
- ok cool ty
- I am going to have to reboot patience...
- 44 minutes agoSent from ChatOwen Abrey
- bad time to have my pc go down son..
- i am in safe mode... will need to tinker on this
- hope a virus didn't destroy my os
- 6 minutes agoOwen Abrey
- hmm this profile seems to work.. weird
- well, I am not sure what went wrong but this profile seems fine, my usual is crapped out
- are you still there?
- God qualifies as a who, He has emotions...
- I feel sad for those who do not know him, or don't have his word written in their hearts (and on the page).