Some things you know you know, like war is hell and people die. Some things you know you don't know, like who's gonna die, where the bombs are going to blow up. Then theret are the things you know that you don't know: Like whether this is going to make this world a better or worse place. But its the things you don't know you don't know that spell out ignorance. DiManno at least has been there. Admitting there are things you don't know is the opportunity for enlightenment. We brought a million men home from WWII, lost more men in an hour than we did in 10 years in Afghanistan. I think history is going to judge us for our pathetic support in stupidly not providing adequate numbers and equipment. Its like Nato is trying to do the least that it can thinking they can get away with while hiding the truth of it. Canada's forces have done so much with so little. Its a huge credit to their spirit. How huge? Well that is what we don't know we don't know, it seems... Thanks Ms DiManno
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