Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Philosopher King said:
"Alethia: At the moment we have very strict privacy laws, such that the government cannot even share with itself many of the details.

What you're suggesting would undermine this, which is in my opinion far more invasive than an aggregated census."

You are correct in noting that there are strictures withing government that protect privacy. Health Care and Rev. Can are examples of this.

But if Stats Can were to say to Rev. Can. How many children are there in Canada? Would Rev. Can be violating its rules to answer?

The data has already been collated in such a way that it is divorced from individuals. Rev Can, in other words, has departments that function much like Stats Can does. Why have it done it twice? Canadians are paying for it each time remember.

This would have to be implemented under the strict supervision of the privacy commission of course. I admit, I despair of thinking privacy exists in the World any more

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