Friday, November 22, 2024

Bomb Cyclones

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Bomb Cyclones:

A retort:  

"Bomb Cyclone" language is meant to illicit fear and terror.  In the old days, it was called a bad storm.  The  pictures of the "cyclone" are almost laughable.  For as long as there were sattelites, every winter storm looks like this.  The weather is cyclic.  These low pressure systems have a counter rotation.  That is all we are watching.  A "REAL" cyclone has winds of 200-300 km an hour.  Try a "NON BOMB" cyclone out for size and see what happens.  The "NON BOMB" cyclones run routinely in SE Asia.  Several a year.  So this is disguised anecdotalism.  But worse, it is Terrorism by the Woke establishment.  The purpose of the language is to create terror and fear and make the masses more "Manipulate-able".  Try that new word on for size!

Wednesday, September 25, 2024

For Posterity

My name is Owen Abrey

I have been living in Pattay Thailand Since August 2024.
I have liked it here.  I like being warm.

 Telephone: +66 0910311742
My email is is my latest email.
Wechat: wxid_cwc8kvqq495d12
Also 86 170 87174820
Whatsapp 1-778-687-2233 Owen Abrey 
      also now 0910311742
FaceBook as Owenn Abrey
My phone is +66 0910311742, and 1-236-638-3289

My name, or oabrey finds me in:
Go Fund Me

If I die tonight, this is my information.

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

A Coffee Encounter

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I am going to start to write intentionally.  I will write fully aware no one may hear me.  I will speak inot the abyss.  I have stared into it so long.  And it has stared into me.   And it is full of hope.  It is written "And the Spirit of God hovered over the 'waters".  The abyss.  Tohu N'vo hu.  Rahab the serpent's domain.  Now the abyss springs forth wiht life.  It is the stuff of creation.  Nothingness from one perspective, creation from another with galaxies spinning pressing forward extending the edges of what is knowable.  It is said nothing is beyond, but who can know if it is true.  Many things we thought were sure are now set aside.  Sure things like the Big Bang.  Remember when that was gospel truth?  It is no more.  What will be back?  Will an elastic universe replace it?  Hawkings thought so.  And he was god.  Wasn't he?  
Humanity has long been on the quest for truth.  Who put the stars in place?  Who spun the universes?  Up Quark Down Quark, Strange Quark, Bosons and who knows what else we will discover.  However the Spirit of God holds creation together how the worlds are held together is something we still wonder about.  When Alexander conquered all the worlds to conquer and wept for there were no more worlds to conquer, I hope there is no such despair in the future for humanity.  The Text speaks of the ancient of ancients living for a thousand years.  And we peer into millenial living with fear in our hearts what if we by our prowess brings those days back.  Who will live and who will die.  Most will die that much is certain and few will live.  But those that live will they live on the edge of the abyss and stare into it....?
Will their time be worthless time?  Or will it be truly valued?