Tuesday, July 27, 2021

Sunday, July 25, 2021

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 To document a beautiful site



Tuesday, July 13, 2021

Become a Patron!

The year was 1989.  I was a subscriber of Scientific America.  I recalled an article by Britta, on tree ring temperature data.   It was interesting.  I read the information of his article with scientific interest and detatchment.  

2 months later, Michael Man's paper was published.  I had questions regarding the use of 2 data sets with the climate rise data that was thermometer based--supposedly, super-imposed at the end of tree-ring data.  Futhermore there were many details going on that didn't feel right.  There was an appeal to political forces for validation and an explicit reference to funding sources that would open up due to global alarm.  It wasn't science if it was made with a motive to open "funding" sources.  In other words, it was an explicit reference that scientific reference was to be bought out!

I wrote several letters to the editor and ended my subscription.  I didn't realize how everything was to sort out.


Subsequently, my personal reputation (I know I didn't have standing) has been trashed and even this opinion on "The Third Way" is doubtful.  However, I wanted to record it here for posterity.


Saturday, July 3, 2021

Become a Patron!

A Third Way of thinking about the discoveries of mass graves of children on old residential school sites.

Clearly, the death of a child is always a tragedy.  Who would fault that?  The death of children always brings up the gall in any human being with a shred of humanity.  To get some clarity and perspective it may be good to employ the perspective of Archaeology.    Excaviting or examining historical remains is in the purview of this science.  It is done routinely.  If we were examining remains of the Picts in the UK, or the Franks in France, or the Romans in Rome, or Greeks and Persians in those battles, or the village of Pompei where children were entombed in ash, we would be doing so with this science of Archaeology.

One of the most important things in Archaeology is understanding the time of deposition of remains, and then understanding the context.  What happened at this time?  And when there is a number of remains, why were they together?  And what would be normal within this context.  And how did they die?  So the studies of the various cultures along with context helps to bring into focus the phenomenon being studied.

Over the 150 years residential schools existed, it would be extraordinary *not* to find buried remains would it not?  What was the child mortality rate 150 years ago?  Did the child mortality rate differ in residential schools vs those of setters?  Vs villages racked with small pox?  Was a child more likely to live or die being cared for by nuns or medicine men?  Those would be interesting studies.  Perhaps we would find it was worse with children living together.  What history and archaeology does teach us is that disease from the Europeans devastated populations of first nations people.  In the time of John A, there was no vaccine for small pox, polio, measles, tuberculosis, no cures for water-born disease that still plague first nations reserves.  What was survivability like on reserves in the 1700s?  Part of the difficulty is finding places where children were buried around villages, if they were buried.  Some tribes used cremation.  Others "buried" elders on raised beds.  But children, children burial rituals are far more difficult to discover.

Residential shools, did employ burials rather than cremation for religious reasons, and the burials were common for practical reasons.  Common burials were normal at the time for poor people.  Only people of stature or people with money were afforded headstones.  Is that what is bothering us?  Did that fact escape us?  A thousand years from now, the question might be asked of white society, why are there no records of the millions of people who lived in our day.  Since now cremation is very common, there are far fewer headstones percapita than 2 or 3 generations ago.  

People live, people die.  Important information lie with their bones.  It is good these discoveries have been made.  Most certainly a nun's letter of condolence to illiterate families in villages would not likely survive.  It is good that now attention can be given to these poor children who died, so that funerals and memorials can be made.  But to point the finger of hatred at people who's intentions were benign at least, if not well meaning, to assume there was evil intent in some way, without evidence is a big mistake.  The Wokeness of society to hate without thoughtfulness is the bigger tragedy.  It besmudges the lives of the innocent who did not hate, and of those who tried to save them.

In the final analysis will anything be redemptive here?  Will the burning of churches do it?  Will hatred be the vestiges of this story?  Or will sanity have a hope?

Wednesday, June 30, 2021

The Lord is My Shepherd and Michelangelo's David

Are you aware of the famous sculpture of David?
Have a look...  David looms large in the history of the west.  He was a shepherd boy who became King of Israel.  He was a musician.  He was anointed to be king while the evil King Saul was ruling.  Annointed, means at an old prophet of God came to him, took out a horn of oil, and poured it over him, and declared him to be chosen by God.  This is a mystical part of the bible that points to a deep and hidden tradition.  The oil was a symbol of God's Spirit.  It is an intensely spiritual image.  (in the English Language, a word that refers to God is always capitalized.)  The external image of olive oil, pouring down on someone's head.  Many people in the middle east who are guests, have a little bit of oil poured on their heads.  It is a sign of blessing that goes back to this event.  When people were anointed by God.  Things moved, they were changed.  Seers and prophets and kings were anointed.  They changed the world.  Today they still change it...
Sometimes when I tell a story, I think it says one thing, but once it is let loose in the world.  To others it may say something else and accomplish something yet unseen. Lol.
I started this story to compare penis sizes Lol...  Michaelangelo was not generous to poor David lol.
Yet even in his lack of generosity, this statue and its beauty has changed the world.  It is quite a striking thing given that we are talking about the one thing that all men worry about the most.  Will it be big enough for her?  Pretending that Michaelangelo was right, a man with a small penis was critical to the rise of 2 world religions that stil rock this world.  David wrote a profound poem, that begins with: The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want. (be hungry, starve, or be in great need) (Psalm 23).  It has comforted many people in very hard situations.  If David hadn't been anointed, he would not have penned those words.  
Become a Patron!
To Erin O'Toole.


I have been conservative since a boy putting up signs for Robert Stanfield.
But I am not a happy one.
I am not a happy Canadian.
I have no money.  I am trying to survive a disability pension of 970.00 a month.  You can't rent a place for that in BC.  So I despair of being able to put any funds up for this election.  
I have ideas that are worth more than money.  I didn't bother with the conference call, because the last one was a carefully scripted joke.
In my opinion we need to nail Justin for the joke he was around our COVID vaccine.
2 months late.  2 months of going around hat in hand--very humiliating for the country.  How many people died of covid the past 2 months?  Those are on him.  He, and his ineptitude killed Canadians by the hand of Covid 19.  He should hang for that.  Make him hang.
Wheeling Covid patients into old folks homes, is unforgivable.  How many old folks died because of this?  Get a number.
Trillions of dollars is too abstract a number.  Canadians will think it takes what it takes to survive a pandemic.  The media will compare the Canadian deficit to the US printing mill and think we got off lucky.
To conservatives, despite the local heat wave, an anecdotal weather event, many many of us believe Global Warming is a Farce.
Temperatures have been declining for the past 6 years.  I remind you Al Gore said the arctic would be clear of ice in 2012.  And predictions have been every year since.  But you don't want to fight an election on that.  But if you capitulate to the Global Warming doctrine, you will be a sell out to your base and we will not vote for you.  Please take the time to talk to a few Canadian skeptics that are becoming rather famous.  Talk TO them, face to face.  Dr. John Robson, a Canadian scientist, https://climatediscussioinnexus.com, who is very moderate, steers a middle ground that is not a denialist but points out some valid points.  Meet with him.  One on one.  Face to Face.  If you want to steer a middle course, you need to talk to him.  Meanwhile, point out Justin's hypocrisy in his "wokness" promising the moon on Canada's commitment when we have never met on climate change goal since Japan.  
Plenty of TV ads featuring Justin dancing in India and a quote of India's PM about the whole thing.  Never let us forget it.
He has made us the laughing stock of the world.

Well, I doubt you will ever read these suggestions, but at least I put it out there.

Monday, June 28, 2021

 What the World Needs Now is Real Wealth

Not another Bill Gates or Jackie Ma, or Elon Musk or other titan on global financial fields, but a wealth that begins in the minds and spirits of all of us  Would it be good to have enough to eat and enough to wear and a home to own without worrying about tomorrow?  There has been a lot said about cryptocurrencies in 2021.  The reader will have the advantage of hindsight, but his is what I see.

There will be a squeeze on cryptocurrencies.  There is so much at stake with the invested power centers of national banks to tolerate them much longer.  However, if they survive and thrive I think they possess some amazing opportunities for creating wealth, particularly in the third world and among the poor.  The wealthy have realized the wealth potentials and have quickly run in to pluck the low-hanging fruit, but over the long run if a poor man can learn how, this offers an amazingly efficient way to create wealth that could break the back of poverty.

If I could have my way in government, I would institute a 4 day a month training for everyone who collects social welfare benefits.  It would start on a voluntary basis, and maybe move into a requirement.  In this place, I would set up a way of inculcating a wealth mentality in the minds of the poor.  Everyone would learn to balance a cheque book, to start a business, create income streams, and learn to be satisfied by the income they earn.  People with this training could earn income on top of their welfare checks tax free to 150,000.00.  With no cutbacks until income exceeds 100k, and then reduced by degree to 150k.  Similar training could be offered to the working poor, who earn under 75k per annum.

Some worry, wouldn't this create inflation by putting too much disposable income in the hands of the poor?  Not if the program is able to establish investment guidelines where money is set aside in relatively untouchable accounts like RRSPs,  TFSAs. REITS and other investment vehicles as opposed to being funneled into consumption exclusively.

Currently with Government spending in trillions of dollars, runaway inflation is coming like a freight train at full speed.  When its far away you can see it coming, as it approaches you can hear the horn blasting, but when it passing you and the ground is rumbling and terror of the noise is discomfiting--then you know it is upon ou without doubt.  

Friday, June 25, 2021

Unlimited Societies

 A story is told, and many of us have heard it before:

A little boy with great glee runs across a field collecting grasshoppers.

He bends down to cup on in his hands and it leaps and flies away.  He chases it but as he does there in front of him two more fly away in opposite directions.  After seemingly hours of fun and frivolity, he has several.  He has put them in a box and collected grasses and dandelions for them to eat.  He learns quickly has to be very careful as he lifts the flaps of his box to make sure they have everything they need before going to bed.  The next day, after lunch he remembers his treasures and the fun he had, so he decides to release them, maybe to play tag again.  Only he finds they don't fly out as soon as he lifts the lid, he has to dump them on the ground.  And those grasshoppers don't fly away and leap dozens of feet with a single bound, but rather they crawl around and he has to coax them to jump at all.

So it is with human societies.  Made to leap and climb and joy over every gift, we have found ourselves living in a box.  Most of us are as unaware of our confines as an insect, but we learn early there are limits we are born to.  We learn them inately.  We learn them without thinking.  The grasshoppers learned that they could not jump and fly--it only took a few attempts.  And so, although they were free they continued to live in a box.

This can be seen everywhere in the world.  So often it is obvious when we look abroad and see other's prejudice and hatred.  We see other's hypocrisy.  Others oppressions--others ineptitude and malaise, but we are oblivious to our own. 

I believe in the human spirit is a desire to live limitless lives.  Where does it come from?  God, the unlimited Spirit?  Do we have the minds of our Maker, as GK Chesterton suggested?  Do we have Eternity in our hearts?  Maybe, but are we open even to the possibility?

Wednesday, June 23, 2021

 The Mystery of Virtual Economies and Online Social Networks.

In the disclaimer on a social network, it is stated, that credits purchased have no monetary value.  So what that is saying is that a customer gives money and gets nothing in return.  And with nothing purchases a right to read and write a letter, view a picture or a video.  Which have no value.  It costs the company nothing more to give a customer 100 credits or 1000.  What it buys is customer satisfaction.  A satisfied customer give the enterprise money for nothing.  An unhappy customer does not.  Make customers happy, make money for nothing.

 1/2 of Bitcoin Miners move to Kazakhstan from China    

So Bitcoin faces a real test.  A major economy moves against in on several levels.  China has announced it is going to produce its own digital currency.  Fine, that makes sense.  Sovereign fiats face a real threat.  A totalitarian society can't risk losing control so it offers a competing product then outlaws the competition.  The world is reminded that China is not really a capitalist system, lo and behold are we surprised it moves to further establish its close-fisted approach to the markets.  Surely not.  

It will be interesting.  No doubt China will be dumping any crypto reserves or will have done so already.  So there is downward pressure on the Currency... JPM and others announce Bitcoin in a portfolio is rat poison.  No doubt they have been playing the squeeze taking short positions as well.  In a depressed market the smart money is going short--surprise surprise.  What is their real risk?  That they can't dump their shorts and go long when the next buying opportunity  presents?  No, they will be the first out.  The first to flip thier positons  Then instead of crying "Rat Poison", they will just pat themselves on the back for their brilliant marketing strategy.

But now all these BitCoin Miners will be in Kazakhstan.  Hardly tthe bastion of the freemarket, no doubt Kaz has made some deal to provide power at very competitive rates.  Congratulations.  I do sympathize with the citizens of Kaz.  No doubt they will be subsidizing the crypto industry--already in a squeeze.  Without having a significant portion of its citizenry prepared to take advantage of sophisticated opportunity to profit from the upheaval.  

Would that there were.  Would that there were many educated investors in the 3rd world, because cryptocurrency offers real hope to peasant and king alike.

 Personal information posted for a limited time for my foreign friends.     

My Name is Owen Abrey

820 31st Ave. S. 

Cranbrook, BC


V1C 5J9

(250) 464-5673 

WeChat Id: wxid_cwc8kvqq495d12

Facebook;  Owenn Abrey






Monday, June 21, 2021

The comment was made in refuting my assertions:

"You have it here reliable source from NASA climate about sea level rise, it is not 1mm but 3.3 mm. 1mm was before 1900 year. https://climate.nasa.gov/vital-signs/sea-level/ Also you have huge fossil fuel lobby interest and funding for faking climate science and to saw distrust and denial into climate science and climate scientists. Just put it on paper how much you pay every month for heating in winter, transportation and electricity, almost all comes from burning coal, oil and gas, 85% of it."

 It is a common accusation the fuel lobby is behind the rise of skepticism of "Climate science." It is tempting to believe that. However, quite frankly there is no evidence of this. The fuel lobby won't touch this with a 10 foot pole. There is no money trail, there is no convictions, in fact there is no accusation because it isn't happening. Examine the lives of the skeptics. They aren't multimillionaires like Al Gore or Michael Mann. They typically are poor threadbare scientists who are calling for a return to the data, and a return to skepticism. The money is entirely on the side of the AGW. For you to suggest the money is anywhere else discloses just how deluded you really are by this movement. If power and money corrupts absolutely, follow the money. There you will find the corruption. There is no money on the side of the skeptics. To be a skeptic means repudiation. To be a skeptic means you will never get a whiff of any grant money. No, compare the sides of this debate. If you want a lucrative career, become a climate scientist. No other field of science is more lucrative. Repeat the words "Climate Change" and become instantly credible. There is virtually no critical analysis of this. Al Gore uses those magic words and proclaims the polar ice caps will melt by 2012 and he is forgiven, no he is heralded as a popular hero. Others use those magic words, and the supposedly the all the glaciers have vanished. Others use those magic words and half of Florida is gone by now. Others use those magic words and the snowfall on the northern hemisphere has vanished for the winter. It might as well be Abracadabra in the days of Shakespear, Copernicus, Galileo, Michelangelo, Pascal, and Newton. All the money, all the power, and all the corruption was on the side of the status quo, not on the side of the true scientists that have changed the world by their integrity and skepticism and truth.

Also, to be precise, and in full disclosure, 100% of my electricity comes from a hydro dam about 20 minutes of my house. I heat my house with natural gas: Supposedly one of the least carbon intensive footprints. However, to engage in this presupposes that climate data for the past 10 years hasn't radically departed from the exponential increases of CO2 in the atmosphere. In 10 years, when the world is in the grips of a mini-ice age, and this foolishness is fully exposed. They will ask, where were you when they said CO2 caused global warming? My answer will be that I was saying show me the unadulterated data!

Saturday, June 19, 2021

I am a critic of Anthropogenic warming. Here are some comments I have recently made on Youtube.




A Skeptical Look at Climate Science  On YouTube.

 First of all thank you for saying somethings heretofore unsaid. I feel your argument was weak for the following reasons: First of all, you criticize empiricim because it lacked imagination. That is certainly falsifiable. Are we to say the work of Isaac Newton for example, lacked imagination? That is simply ridiculous. We call Newton's theories on motion "Laws" for good reason. Not because they have no problems, but because there has probably been no theory more rigorously tested and confirmed in all of science. There are hosts of scientists and their theories that have been profoundly tested and found to be true. Einstein, a 20th century scientist if there ever was one, produced the most profound and rigorously tested theories. Did either Einstein or Newton lack imagination? No. Imagination wasn't injected into science in the 1900s as you assume. It has been at the heart of it since Plato. So it is a fundamentally flawed assumption to accept imagination was spawned in the 1900s. No, as you present it, it became an excuse for accepting the extremes of the uncertainties of AGW. What needs to be discussed are the prejudices that are accepted by certain quarters of science to be true. Criticism today needs to include the vast streams of research dollars that are only awarded to "science" that tows the line. Imaginative science needs to include the research that is suggesting a Milankovitch cycle that has us trending cooler until at least 2050. Why isn't that included in your graph? Because your prejudice precludes it even though it supposedly has a weight of uncertainty to it. I reflect the weight of "science" that existed in Pascal's day. The abiogenists were definitely the accepted group. They definitely had the funding. But it was the relatively lone voice of one obscure scientist who paved the way to heart transplants today. Similar phenomena existed in the days of Copernicus. The weight of science in his day, was not heliocentric. Vast sums were paid to scientist to produce tomes predicting the position of the planets, which were used for political horoscopes, the timing of wars and battles all paid huge sums of money to those "scientists" who could write those predictions based on the earth as the center of the universe. With vast sums of money at stake Copernicus' simple maths were a huge threat so much so after losing debate, they appealed to the pope and the church to weigh in on the argument. So it is today that when for example a skeptic points out, according the IPCC committee on sea level rise, the chair declares the rise to be a steady 1mm a year, and that his committee was stacked with non-scienctists (at least without sea-level expertise) we see an appeal to non-science "consensus" for validation instead of a frank look at the data. Without this new criticism, without demanding funding for science that does not agree with consensus, I am very concerned for our future. We have abandoned empiricism now in our school system, and as you conclude your piece, you refer to the need for worry to sharpen our need for change, you conclude with what is most worrisome about the direction of science: The implementation of emotion to guide our conclusions.



Wednesday, June 16, 2021

 My wife and I have separated.  Its been over a year and a half.  We have determined to remain friends.  I have nothing but admiration for her.  She is as close to a saint as a saint can be.  She loves God, she has been a fantastic mother to our kids who are now all grown up.  I honor her.  

I don't want to excuse my own failings for the work of God.  However, it is true I have found that God does more through our brokenness than He does when we are unbroken.  This truth leads the scriptures to say:  "What then, shall we sin that grace may it abound?  May it never be!"  Still there is a mystery indeed the whole of the bible is about God working through human brokenness.  In a peculiar way the fall was necessary for salvation to occur.  It would be hard to refute that it would have been better had there never been a fall, but God planned for it nonetheless.

So in this place of brokenness, I sense the hand of God moving in such a way that the end becomes greater than the beginning.  I am 60 now.  I estimate I have 10 years to change the world.  Ann Kimmel's book: "I am out to Change my World" still calls to me.  I feel I am yet to change the world.

I have made acquaintances with some phenomenal people around the world recently.  The web site we have been involved in employs a form of tyranny and extorts me of way too much money.  So I am posting here my address: 820 31st Ave. S., Cranbrook, BC, V1C5J9.  And my phone is (250)464-5673.  My WeChat is: wxid_cwc8kvqq495d12.  My email is oabrey@gmail.com.