Friday, March 29, 2013

Canada withdraws from UN desertification treaty.


12:48 PM on March 29, 2013
Ah the UN, smell the air, breath deeply... Aren't you glad we are a part of the UN?
Don't you love how they spend our money? How accountable they are? Anyone remember how that 14 Billion was spent after Tsunamis wiped out 200,000 people? 'Remember how it was supposed to help the areas devastated rebuild? Nation after nation as they dug out from the disaster reported seeing not one thin dime. Where did the money go? Ah but it is the UN, they are not accountable to its donors...

The story behind the story? Canada read the script of this "scientific meeting" that uses Canada as a bully-pulpit. The sheep in this country forget that China's CO2 input *grows* by more than the entire Canadian Carbon Foot Print. Why should Canada fund this sort of "science"?

Who is behind these attacks? Who is targeting Canada? It certainly wouldn't be the OPEC countries who's taps will be impacted when North America achieves self-sustaining energy dependence. You know that block of 16 or so nations that appointed Portugal to a seat on the security counsel? I am just glad Canada has a memory, and proud it has the gonads to finally say enough is enough.

Saturday, March 23, 2013

On vegetarianism and PETA.:
Anyone have any favourite, delicious vegetarian recipes?
Like · · 8 hours ago via mobile ·
  • Antoinette Louw Is this the man who always tease me about PETA? Wonderful! If you find easy ones, please share. I usually only omit the meat out of other recipes. Look at
  • Bill Graham I'm still not a PETA supporter! However, I *am* seeing the wisdom of a plant based diet...
  • Dixie Jones I just sent you a family favourite recipe for zucchini pie!
  • Roxane Boardman Side dish or main?
  • Antoinette Louw PETA means well. We may not always agree with their ways, but at least they try.
  • Kent Watson Sure that's easy but first you start with some beef and then......
  • Emmett Koch No, mine all have some kind of meat in them,,,
  • John G. Hartung The secret: discover dishes that originally were vegetarian so you don't have the problem of simulating the meat flavor.

    John's Basic Ratatouille

    Olive oil
    ...See More
  • Trisha Rutter Reimer A chili with lots of different beans and yams or sweet potatoes chopped in! Soooo yum!
  • Trisha Rutter Reimer How about a chick pea "salad"? About a can of rinsed chick peas, a couple of beets boiled and diced on top, some feta cheese sprinkled over, some greek spice mix (you can buy a bottle of "Greek seasoning") sprinkled over, maybe some slivered almonds, too.
  • Bill Graham Emmett, watch "Food,Inc" and "Forks over Knives" and you may start rethinking what you eat...I'm not totally there yet - and I still have fast food too often (but aiming to eliminate that AND Pop); I am, however, seeking to change my intake for health's sake...
  • Steve Winkler Chocolate Cheesecake .. I am sure that this qualifies somehow as vegetarian
  • Trisha Rutter Reimer Bill Graham you still gotta get your hands on "Fresh". You will see how you still can eat a "reasonable" amount of meat that is raised well (when animal husbandry is done right, it will benefit the soil and the animal the way God intended. And then as a result, benefitting humankind on many different levels!).
  • Bill Graham If you've a copy of it Trish, we'll gladly watch it.
  • Allan Brouwer you want favourite and delicious! That's asking a lot!
  • Trisha Rutter Reimer Don't have it. Did I ask you if you have netflix?
  • Owen Abrey May I jump in? Let vegetables and vegetable eating have their place. However, no matter how we might want to deny it, man was not made a herbivore, man is an omnivore. To think we can make the world a better place by denying what we are at a scientific and biological level is displaying the unreal self if there ever was one: A vain and futile pursuit that wastes energy that might otherwise really make the world a better place. So many substitutes for the primary cause.

Sunday, March 3, 2013

The environmental polemic and pipelines:

Male Emasculation by Smart phone?

Another case can be made from the perspective of male and female brains.  Females have a genetic disposition to multi-task.  Men are more likely distracted to problem-solve what the smart phone presents to them.  This distraction impacts the male-female interactions that would otherwise take place.  I wonder if there could be measurably less testosterone in western populations, if not directly, then certainly because of the rise of obesity our lack of physical activity produces.